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Don’t worry, you haven’t lost your way entirely. Though the page you’re looking for is unavailable, you’re still on the path to enlightenment and connection. Let’s guide you through some key landmarks to explore right from here:

Want to Know Who We Are?

We are an educational charity established in 1996, committed to fostering personal growth, understanding, and enlightenment across all spectra of belief. Our foundation was laid in response to the horrors of the Holocaust, with a mission to promote peace worldwide through deepening our capacity for understanding, and dialogue, and subsequently, encouraging others to do the same. Our journey is anchored in the belief that spiritual development is both an individual and collective expedition. As facilitators of spiritual awakening, we aim to provide an inclusive, supportive environment where everyone is welcome, regardless of their background.

Interested in Our Spiritual Development and Ministry Training?

We’re delighted to invite seekers and visionaries to embark on a transformative journey with us on the Birch Pathway, our latest online training offering, rich in spiritual insight and ministerial guidance. Sculpted to enhance personal growth and prepare you for transformative service, this pathway integrates our dynamic curriculum with the Four Pillars of Growth, fostering self-awareness, empathy, and holistic development, and enabling you to create a ministry reflective of your personal vision and compassion.

Our programme, enriched with Six Integrative Strands, offers a comprehensive learning experience. These strands cover everything from understanding diverse faith traditions and mastering ceremony and ritual to developing empathetic listening, engaging in psycho-spiritual growth, and contributing to community service, making for an enriched and holistic approach to spiritual training.

The Birch Pathway is not just a training programme but an invitation to an enlightening journey that promises growth, communal learning, and a celebration of spiritual leadership and harmony. Discover more, meet us, and have your questions answered by joining us on one of our free online Intro Days. If you’re ready to go, you can apply directly for our two-year offering (until September 30th!) here.

Want to Contact Us?

Even though you’ve hit a roadblock, reaching out is easier than ever. We are here to answer your questions, provide guidance, and support your spiritual and personal journey. Connect with us through the following channels:

  • Email: You can reach our organisation via email here. 
  • Social Media: Follow our journey and connect with our community on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Check back later! Our website is constantly updating, so please check back later if the page you’re looking for isn’t loading.

Care to explore these pages instead?

Courses & Retreats

Spiritual Development & Ministry Training

Interfaith Ministers