Finding Courage

How can we become so true to ourselves that we can be the presence of courage despite fear?

Course Description

What does it take to find courage in a world where insecurity, anxiety, and fear determine so much? From the content of our news to divided opinions, a different relationship to our spiritual core needs to be developed.

In this course, we aim to help you find grounding in profound trust, in your purpose, and in your ability to live with presence in these times. Fear, doubt, and negativity can too often separate us from our spiritual selves where enthusiasm, love of life, and the power to do the good can be found. Overcoming the limiting boundaries arising between ourselves and others, separating us from the beauty of our natural world and those of different cultures, traditions, and beliefs is increasingly important so that we do not become overwhelmed and anxious.

Over the course of three days, you will engage with a range of activities to really explore what courage means to you. Using a variety of materials, and through conversation and deep listening, you will undertake activities to strengthen your courage and enthusiasm, to tackle your doubt and fear. We will explore how we can become true to ourselves in a way that allows us to be courageous, despite the presence of fear.

Key Features

  • A 3-day online course.

  • Boost your learning with online resources.

  • Including a messaging platform to allow you to share thoughts, images, music, and poetry throughout the duration of the retreat.

Course Requirements

-Please bring plain paper and a pencil, watercolour paints and air dry clay.

-As this is an online retreat, you will need a computer or other device equipped with a camera, microphone, speaker, and a stable internet connection. Calls will take place on Zoom.

Course Dates 2022

Friday 7th October

Saturday 8th October

Sunday 9th October


Standard fee: £97

ROSIM members: £80

OneSpirit students: £80

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this course, or would like more information on what to expect, get in touch.

Christopher Marcus, Core Tutor

This retreat will be held by Christopher Marcus, a highly experienced core tutor on OneSpirit’s Spiritual Development and Ministry course.  Christopher, continuing on from other successful online retreats such as ‘Mystery of Death’, will guide you on this three-day retreat.

“This is such a rewarding training for anyone who is willing to grow in love”

– Robin & Lucilla Ravenhill