OneSpirit stands today as a testament to our enduring commitment to peace-building, compassion, and forgiveness. Our journey is marked by a rich history that transcends borders and generations, evolving into a notable educational charity. We offer comprehensive training in interfaith ministry, spiritual guidance, sacred activism, and ceremonial practice.

Our dedication lies in exploring the diversity of faith traditions and worldly wisdom, advocating for a universal spirituality that welcomes every path with open arms.

Proudly, we have supported over 1,000 individuals from around the world, empowering them to make substantial contributions to their communities as OneSpirit Interfaith Ministers, celebrants and spiritual companions. Our efforts continue to sow seeds for a world brimming with spiritual diversity and richness. Each day, we persist in our journey of growth and education, enabling individuals to enhance the global comprehension of compassion and love.

Participants who successfully complete our two-year training programme may opt for ordination and have the option to use the title of Reverend. OneSpirit is honoured to be recognised as a nominating body authorised to perform legal marriages in Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Ireland.

Our ministers serve a variety of communities with versatility in their approach, offering support that transcends the boundaries of conventional religious and faith affiliations.

Their all-encompassing training includes:

  • A thorough exploration of an array of faith traditions and viewpoints, encompassing Earth-Based Paths, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Daoism, and contemporary spiritual paradigms.
  • Crafting and leading bespoke ceremonies, such as baby blessings, weddings, and memorials.
  • Offering empathetic, personalised spiritual mentorship.
  • Addressing conflict resolution, peacemaking, reconciliation, as well as understanding and responding to addiction, trauma, and grief within the remit of an Interfaith Minister’s role.

Aside from our ministerial training, OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation also presents an array of opportunities including courses, retreats, workshops, and more for ministers and the wider community. Our doors are open to anyone yearning to delve into the heart of spirituality and inclusivity, guided by our esteemed faculty and affiliated members. We offer a variety of live courses both online and in physical settings, catering for different learning preferences and ensuring accessibility for all individuals, regardless of their location. This inclusive approach stems from our recognition of the unique needs within our community and our strong belief that pathways to personal growth should be accessible to all seekers.

Our ordained ministers may apply to be part of our professional directory, the Register of OneSpirit Interfaith Ministers (ROSIM), which acts as a unified platform for our ministers. Admission into ROSIM is based on a continuous dedication to OneSpirit’s Code of Ethics (in line with our Ethics and Standards Committee), fidelity to the ordination vows, regular supervision, and ongoing Professional Development. Ministers are also expected to maintain professional indemnity insurance and to adhere to OneSpirit’s comprehensive complaints protocol. This contributes to ROSIM’s role as a responsive authority in managing and resolving any concerns.

Exploring OneSpirit: Essential Questions Answered…


“We represent, bear witness to and believe in Life as sacred.”

Nicola Coombe (former Focaliser & current faculty) offered these powerful & affirming words at the Ordination ceremony of 2016.


“We represent, bear witness to and believe in Life as sacred.”


“Peace has no point if it’s not lived. Love is fruitless unless given. So live your peace. Give your love. And as Mahatma Gandhi said: be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Learn from the former Director of Education, Jackie Amos Wilkinson, who offers some warm & welcoming words to the class of 2017.


“The impulse for this work comes out of tremendous suffering, tremendous oppression and tremendous persecution – both OF the spiritual world and BY those who have called themselves spiritual or religious.”

Nicola Coombe (former Focaliser & current faculty) succinctly captures the essence of Interfaith Ministry and the brave path of spiritual inquiry, at the 2016 Ordination ceremony.


“The impulse for this work comes out of tremendous suffering, tremendous oppression and tremendous persecution – both OF the spiritual world and BY those who have called themselves spiritual or religious.”

Nicola Coombe (former Focaliser & current faculty) succinctly captures the essence of Interfaith Ministry and the brave path of spiritual inquiry, at the 2016 Ordination ceremony.


Are you intrigued by the concept of a heart-centred, experiential journey towards Spiritual Development & Interfaith Ministry? If so, our Introductory Days serve as the perfect gateway for you to dive deeper into what our training programme has in store.


Are you intrigued by the concept of a heart-centred, experiential journey towards Spiritual Development & Interfaith Ministry? If so, our Introductory Days serve as the perfect gateway for you to dive deeper into what our training programme has in store.


The journey towards becoming an Interfaith Minister is signified by a profound and celebratory milestone: the Ordination Ceremony. Our 2018 Ordination & Graduation Ceremony highlight video beautifully encapsulates the heart and spirit of what ordination within the OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation involves. Though each training year brings its unique flavour, influenced by the diversity and individual paths of our students, there are core elements consistently integrated into our ordination ceremonies, which bind them together in a cohesive and meaningful tapestry.

An essential aspect at the heart of our ordination ceremonies is cultivating and celebrating a deep sense of community. This community not only supports each minister in their journey but also reflects the broader, inclusive nature of the interfaith movement itself. During the ceremony, this sense of community is palpable, connecting every participant through a shared experience of dedication, joy, and spiritual fulfilment. Our approach to ordination is designed not only to honour the hard work and spiritual growth of our graduates but also to symbolically and formally welcome them into their new roles as interfaith ministers. It is a moment where the individual paths of our students converge into a collective celebration of their commitment to service, bridging varied spiritual traditions and practices with respect, empathy, and an open heart.

As each student steps forward to be ordained, they do so amidst an environment of reverence, surrounded by fellow students, faculty, family, and friends who have supported them on their journey. The ceremony is a reflection of the holistic, inclusive, and transformative education each student has received, preparing them to confidently and compassionately support others in their spiritual journeys, regardless of their faith background or personal beliefs.

By viewing our highlight video, you are invited to glimpse the depth, beauty, and unity of our ordination ceremonies. It offers a window to the festive conclusion of our training programme, and the beginning of a lifelong journey of service and spiritual exploration for our newly ordained ministers…


Are you intrigued by the concept of a heart-centred, experiential journey towards Spiritual Development & Interfaith Ministry? If so, our Introductory Days serve as the perfect gateway for you to dive deeper into what our training programme has in store.

During an Introductory Day, you’ll have the unique chance to immerse yourself in our distinctive teaching methodology firsthand, gaining insights into the enriching, transformative experiences that lie ahead. It’s a day designed to not only introduce you to the foundational aspects of our programme but also to enable you to interact directly with those who are currently walking the path: our students, ministers, and esteemed faculty members.

This brief video encapsulates some reflections shared by both our students and faculty, offering you a glimpse into the essence of an Introductory Day. Through their experiences, you’ll discover what you can anticipate from the day – the warmth of community, a deeper understanding of our spiritual and interfaith teachings, and an opportunity to explore the profound connections and growth our programme fosters. Whether you’re searching for spiritual development, keen on becoming an interfaith minister, or simply curious about our community, the Intro Day is your opening to experience the depth and breadth of what OneSpirit embodies.