Alison Whittall

  • Also Serving: Mid & West Wales, South Wales, Southeast England, Southern England, Southwest England
  • Services: Ceremonies & Rituals, Chaplaincy, Coaching, Consulting, Creative Workshops, Health/Healing/Wellness, Inspirational Talks, Meditation and Mindfulness Teaching, Rites of Passage, Singing for the Heart & Spirit, Spiritual Counselling/Accompaniment, Teaching, Workshop/Retreat Facilitator
  • Ordained In: 2018

Alison Whittall

Having been ordained as a OneSpirit Minister in 2018, my work is based in the South West of England although my heart is universal.  

I am very much in resonance with non-duality and spiritual awakening.

Sages and saints across the ages who have woken up to the truth of who we really are. They are my inspiration. Their pointings, wisdom and insight lie at the heart of every spiritual tradition. My spiritual name is Swarupa (One who is devoted to Truth).

At this time of challenge and deep transformation, when it appears like much of the world has turned away from the divine. We seem to have faced one crisis after another in recent years and there has been much division and unrest. Things that have been hidden for many years are being revealed. This is a tremendous opportunity for humanity. I feel we are at a time when the prodigal son or daughter is returning to the open and loving arms of the divine. Purification and a great awakening appear to be taking place. I feel privileged and excited to be witnessing this.     

It seems that there is an opportunity here to awaken fully to who we truly are and win ourselves back. One with the infinite source of Life itself as the ineffable, unfathomable and indivisible heart of being.  

As it says in the Course of Miracles,

‘Nothing real can be threatened.

Nothing unreal exists.

Herein lies the peace of God.’

I pray that I can serve in truth and love in whatever way I am called, by the grace of God’. 

In Spiritual counselling sessions, I am with you in discovering the peace and freedom of your True Self and being a presence of love with you on this miraculous journey with all its pain, grief, joy and transformation. We are in this together. This work is an honour and privilege.   

I am the author of ‘Joy in Crisis’ which is to be published in the summer of 2024. This simple colourful book was first written in 2020 and yet is relevant to, and has been adapted for today.

‘You are the light of the world’ – Matthew 5:14

‘A wonderful encouragement to the many people who are setting out on the path of Self-discovery.  Bon Voyage.’ – Mooji

‘Full of life, love, blessing and empowering insight’ – Nicola Coombe (OneSpirit Core Faculty, Former OneSpirit Focaliser/Head)

My Website for more information: 

I also lead HEARTSONG harmony acappella singing sessions, within a candlelit reflective space. Deeply nourishing songs of peace, freedom, love and joy. Prayerful, healing and uplifting. I am a member of the Natural Voice Network. I am happy to travel for day workshops of Heartsong. 

I am also a trained teacher (B Ed Hons Art) with Church Colleges Cert in Religious Studies.  

I have worked in school building and developing peer mediation and conflict resolution with children.  

I have been creating CEREMONY and rites of passage for many years and weave songs, readings and prayer into this work.  

I have led singing workshops at the North Devon Hospice and have accompanied the ‘Light up a Life’ service with harmony singing for many years.

I have been a core group member of DEFAN  – Devon Earth and Faith Network which arranges inspirational interfaith days to bring people of different faith groups together uniting in the task of caring for our precious earth. 

‘At a time of immense environmental and ecological challenge, it is essential that the world’s faith traditions engage more fully in what we may call planetary awareness and action.’  


  1. Spiritual Counselling
    ‘Joyous, welcoming, enthusiastic, gracious, encouraging, acknowledgement of the preciousness of time together in presence of Spirit and a willingness/openness to explore with a heart filled with love and grace. Deep listening, reflective empathy and an ability to relate what was and was not said.’

    ‘It’s been a beautiful experience which has been of tremendous benefit to me and has helped me to reconnect with my true self, re-fresh precious memories from my youth and more recent times that have a crucial bearing on my present life experience.’

    ‘I’ve been able, with this therapeutic holding and containment to use and compare past experiences of mine with present ones to clarify and relax into present challenges. This is a revelation and gives me confidence in myself that I may already have the answers within.’


  1. Spiritual Counselling
    ‘Joyous, welcoming, enthusiastic, gracious, encouraging, acknowledgement of the preciousness of time together in presence of Spirit and a willingness/openness to explore with a heart filled with love and grace. Deep listening, reflective empathy and an ability to relate what was and was not said.’

    ‘It’s been a beautiful experience which has been of tremendous benefit to me and has helped me to reconnect with my true self, re-fresh precious memories from my youth and more recent times that have a crucial bearing on my present life experience.’

    ‘I’ve been able, with this therapeutic holding and containment to use and compare past experiences of mine with present ones to clarify and relax into present challenges. This is a revelation and gives me confidence in myself that I may already have the answers within.’

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