Edgar Mihas

Edgar Mihas

As an Ordained Interfaith Minister, I would be delighted to offer counselling sessions to anyone who wishes to have telephone counselling sessions. My experience includes everything I have learnt, practised and experienced as an OSIF student; offering informal usually secular counselling to students of different ages and backgrounds, over a significant period of time; some spiritual counselling experience with a small number of people from those who have attended my worship services in different places of worship over the past 5-6 years; last but not least, I have had a few spiritual counselling sessions with colleagues who have been through difficult personal times.

My Equality and Diversity training and credentials are very strong and I do welcome people from any background and from any faith or none. If interested, please contact me by email at your earliest convenience: edgar@dr.com in order to make arrangements. All counselling sessions will be offered via telephone and it will be a great pleasure to work with you.

Blessings and Very Best Wishes to all, Edgar.