Jude Mills

  • Based In: Southeast England
  • Also Serving: Greater London, Remote, Southeast England, Southern England
  • Services: Baby Blessings/Namings, Business Training, Ceremonies & Rituals, Chaplaincy, Coaching, Creative Workshops, Funerals/Memorials, Health/Healing/Wellness, Inspirational Talks, Meditation and Mindfulness Teaching, Remote Services, Rites of Passage, Spiritual Counselling/Accompaniment, Teaching, Workshop/Retreat Facilitator
  • Ordained In: 2020

Jude Mills

Jude Mills – She/They

I am an ordained interfaith minister and spiritual counsellor, writer, podcaster, yoga teacher and bodywork therapist. My relationship to, and fascination with this great mystery has been lifelong. I was ordained by OneSpirit in 2020, and have studied extensively over several years in Christian theology, Celtic Spirituality, Celtic Christian Ministry and traditional Druidry, as well as in Yoga philosophy. My most recent professional experience is in end-of-life and palliative care chaplaincy.

I have a Master’s degree in Public Theology and research interests which include: podcasting as a medium for theological reflection and enquiry; narratives of spiritual and religious abuse and harm and issues of disabled and LGBTQ+ inclusivity and accessibility in religious contexts. I am about to embark on a PhD in religious studies.

I have thirty+ years of experience as a performing artist,  group work facilitator and teacher. I graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1989 with an MA in theatre and music and spent a number of years as a community arts facilitator before moving into teaching and training and taking postgraduate studies in psychology, creative writing and theology. I am also a Yoga teacher, complementary therapist, and certified embodiment facilitator. Since 2011 I have specialised in yoga for people living with cancer, and teach yoga teachers to offer this work.

I am a Scot, a Celt at heart and in practice.  I live (as sustainably as I possibly can) with my partner and animals, in East Sussex on the South Coast of England. I write  – poetry and non-fiction –  paint, sing, make and upcycle jewellery and crafts, take photographs and enjoy experiencing artistic expression in all its forms.

My personal spiritual practice is constantly evolving but it remains deeply rooted in contemplative Christianity, informed by my own forays into Celtic Christianity and Christo Druidry and my practices of Yoga and meditation. I am a practising member of an inclusive Anglican Church.

As a spiritual counsellor, I have particular skills and interests in working with those whose experience of organised religion has been difficult or damaging. I aim to work with you to find hope, healing, reconciliation and forgiveness – whether that is in, or out of your faith tradition.  Ultimately, I am guided in all things by Love.

“Your anam cara always beholds your light and beauty and accepts you for who you truly are. In Celtic spirituality, the anam cara friendship awakens the fullness and mystery of your life. You are joined in an ancient and eternal union with humanity that cuts across all barriers of time, convention, philosophy, and definition. When you are blessed with an anam cara, the Irish believe, you have arrived at that most sacred place: home.” ~ JOHN O’DONOHUE