Monica Douglas

  • Based In: West Midlands
  • Also Serving: Remote, West Midlands
  • Services: Ceremonies & Rituals, Coaching, Funerals/Memorials, Inspirational Talks, Meditation and Mindfulness Teaching, Remote Services, Spiritual Counselling/Accompaniment, Supervision, Teaching, Weddings, Workshop/Retreat Facilitator
  • Ordained In: 2015

Monica Douglas

As well as being a Registered OneSpirit Minister and Spiritual Counsellor Monica is also a dedicated yoga practitioner and Transformational Guide. She is a passionate advocate of equality and diversity (PGDip Equality Studies Birmingham City University) and is passionate about providing spiritual counselling for people of all faiths or none to connect to their own inner wisdom. She is a certified Wellness Coach, Trainer of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Energy Cycles Mentor (Advanced Moon Mother) and Reiki Practitioner. Monica’s work is also deeply influenced by the person-centred counselling approach of The Reach Approach. Monica provides ceremonies for all stages of life as well as:

Transformational Guidance – A bespoke coaching and guidance process enabling people to transform and grow through the major transitions of work and life

Spiritual Counselling and Ceremony – Deep listening and support for any stage of the cycle of life including pre-conception, birth, puberty, marriage, midlife, menopause, divorce, death and bereavement.