Robin Ravenhill

Robin Ravenhill

Psycho-spiritual counselling Psycho-spiritual counselling helps us answer one of life’s most personal and deeply felt questions – ‘Who am I?’ Answers to all other questions begin to fall into place when we remember the answer to this one. Knowing the truth of who we are enables us to fully engage with and heal the emotional upsets, shocks, traumas and abuses in our lives, and to recognise and dissolve the many ways we unconsciously sabotage our happiness and fulfilment.

The journey of recovery to Self is both emotional and spiritual (thus ‘psycho-spiritual’ counselling). If we are to know our wholeness, both emotional recovery and spiritual recovery are required. They are inseparable allies, for emotional recovery doesn’t fulfil itself without spiritual awareness of our true nature (we can all too easily get stuck in our stories and emotions), yet a spiritual foundation is always shaky without the ability to fully embrace all our thoughts and feelings however frightening or unwanted they may be. An integrated response to life’s challenges includes both. When we really get who we are, and allow ourselves to be fully present with all that is going on for us, life becomes spacious, free, joyful, abundant, and much much easier. We experience our true aliveness.


I am a registered psycho-spiritual counsellor, having trained at the OneSpirit Interfaith Seminary in London 13 years ago. My approach is intuitive, engaged, and compassionate. I work with people from around the world with all backgrounds and beliefs (or none). All stories are welcome, as is your willingness to grow: I help people who would love to know who they really are, who lack direction and purpose, suffer from doubt and low self-esteem, who feel something important is missing, have ongoing relationship issues, who have experienced loss, trauma or abuse (emotional, sexual and physical) and are struggling to recover, and people who are still suffering even after trying ‘everything’.


Adults (age 18 and over): All sessions 1-1¼ hours – £55 Children (age 17 and under): All sessions 1-1¼ hours – £45 I offer fee reductions by negotiation when necessary. The fee is the same for individuals and couples. Fees for longer sessions by negotiation.