Sarah Gealls

Sarah Gealls

Since 2002 I have worked in palliative care, latterly co-heading the spiritual support (chaplain) team at the local Hospice. I am drawn to the Celtic spiritual tradition/wisdom of a deep innate awareness of the sacred in the everyday. By providing a presence and really listening there is space to expand into the mystery of life.

I can support this exploration in specific’s ways such as spiritual accompaniment, creating dedicated ceremonies/blessings/prayers/poems and rituals that may focus on key times in your life; transition, celebration, an affirming, change and or endings. All of which can be either face-to-face or via Zoom.

Specifically drawing on the wealth of experience relating to Hospice work I can offer you the opportunity to explore, discuss and delve into the significance of your life and death. Part of this may be a desire to create or think about legacy and memory gifts, ceremonies/funerals that are personal and reflect you or your loved one.

“Be patient with all that is unsolved in your life. Learn to love the questions themselves, until some distant day, without your knowing, you will have lived into the answers.” ~ Rilke