Feeling called to community? To deepen connections with one another?
To come together in contemplative space to be seen and heard?
We invite you to…
the Scottish Students and Ministers
Wednesday 1 November 7.30 – 9.30pm
(Apologies, we now realise this clashes with the online training for current students and will suggest no events on Wednesdays for next year’s programme)
Held via Zoom. ID: 891 4387 5851, Passcode: 255127
Our topic for this, our fourth and final gathering of 2023, is ‘Receiving Love’.
Samhain is the perfect time of year to turn inwards… to slow down… to allow ourselves to be with the darkness… to surrender to dormancy… to open and receive Love. Do we recognise the Love that is always available to us? What do we put in the way of receiving Love? What supports us to open… to surrender… to drop into our heart space and receive Love? And when we do let the heart be a Sacred portal, receiving Love, what do we notice? How do we experience it?
We invite you to bring an open heart, a curious mind and your innate wisdom to our exploration of this topic together.
Held within a contemplative space, we will each have a few mins to speak from the heart on the topic of ‘Receiving Love’ (whatever that means to each of us). You are also invited to bring a poem… a prayer… a piece of art… or maybe even a movement… which speaks to you of the theme; a candle; and your journal.
There will be time for somatic embodiment to bring relief in the nervous system, deep relaxation and sustainable restoration. There will be time to reflect and notice what’s moving and stirring in us in relation to the theme and perhaps our ministry.
This is the last of this series of events held on the cross-quarter days of 2023. Together we have explored Active Hope, Radiant Resiliance, Soul on Deck and Receiving Love. We will be stepping down and inviting others to step forward to hold next year’s programme. The programme can take any format you choose. Previously we’ve had monthly events which have been themed around areas of ministry, e.g. weddings, funerals, chaplaincy, etc. and other topics of interest to the Scottish Ministers and students. There will be space on 1 November to talk about the 2024 programme and understand what people want.
With love,
Jo & Bunny ♡