Our Blended Learning Approach

As part of our sincere commitment to inclusiveness and accessibility, we are offering two learning options that differ in curriculum and presentation in order to meet the needs of all those interested. The Sylvan Path weaves together in-person connections with online meetings, resources, and support to offer a beautifully blended training experience. The Aspen Path is our fully online training pathway, weaving together a weekly webinar rhythm with online resources and communication to cultivate a connected virtual community.

Residentials and Webinars
For those on the Aspen Path, across each year, you will encounter six ‘gateways’, five teaching gateways and one independent study gateway. During your teaching gateways, you will join together for weekly webinars, led by your faculty team, to connect and explore different curriculum areas. For those on the Sylvan Path, across each year, you will join together for three five-day residentials, with each residential focusing on one aspect of the curriculum. Alongside this, there will be four scheduled online evening check-ins each year.

Online Support
All students will also be supported by our bespoke online classroom, our carefully curated platform which holds an array of resources to support your OneSpirit training journey and support you in diving deeper into the independent study between in-person retreats for Sylvan students and webinars for Aspen students. To stay connected, all students will have a dedicated ‘Slack’ communications platform, a private space, to communicate with one another.

1-1s and Peer Support
All students have regular 1-1 sessions with their faculty team, meeting once every six weeks, to provide opportunities for reflection, pastoral care, and support throughout the training. Students will also be allocated a study group, meeting regularly throughout the year (either online or in-person) to discuss readings, assignments, and practice ceremonies together.

You might know straight away or you may need some time to consider which option is best suited to you. You can join one of our free Intro Days to find out more about both offerings and read the Info Packs for more details!


If our blended learning approach peaked your interest, but you want to learn more, you can get in touch regarding any questions or concerns you may have using the button below. We look forward to hearing from you and will respond as soon as possible!