Aine Moloney

Aine Moloney

Rev. Áine Moloney Me. Daughter, spouse, mother, friend, retired Special Ed. teacher, writer and poet. OneSpirit Interfaith minister. Free spirit. Lifelong student with many professional qualifications. Lover of life. Explorer of Celtic Ways.

As Rev. Áine, I work with deep “Rev-erence” for all lives, beliefs, and cultures. My “cathedral” is that kind and generous space where we connect from our hearts, openly, and in trust. Magic happens here! You. I believe we are more the same than we are different. When we work on your ceremony or as Anam Cara (soul friend), I bring my creativity, wisdom, and my capable, fun, compassionate, authentic presence to my work. We can co-create what you truly deserve – the best. Us.

If you consider us a good match to work together, in the light and shiny parts of life, or when your world is falling apart, find out lots more on my website.