Antoinette Doocey

Antoinette Doocey

As a OneSpirit Interfaith Minister based in Leinster, Ireland I am privileged to serve others in many aspects of all life cycle events and milestones.

I offer a range of services and ceremonies including; Bespoke legal Wedding Ceremonies created with you, fully informed by your values and beliefs. I also offer Vow Renewal and Commitment Ceremonies and Wedding Blessings; Baby Naming and Welcoming Ceremonies; Facilitation of Retreats and workshops e.g. Spiritual Care, Compassion for Self & Others, Resilience, and Compassionate Living.

My rich life experience is informed by many life events and roles held, including as a Health Professional with Clinical and Senior Management qualifications and a proven track record in corporate management, leadership, governance and policy within health and social care services.

I provide Consultancy and Mentorship services to organisations and individuals. I am a lifelong student of world faith paths, metaphysics and belief systems and am consistently amazed at the synchronicity of and interrelationship between, all beliefs and our similarities as human beings as opposed to our differences.

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