Gabrielle O’Brien

  • Based In: Munster
  • Also Serving: Connaught, Ireland, Leinster, Munster, Spain
  • Services: Ceremonies & Rituals, Consulting, Legal Weddings Ireland, Spiritual Counselling/Accompaniment, Workshop/Retreat Facilitator
  • Ordained In: 2020

Gabrielle O’Brien

Hi, I am an ordinary woman, ordained a OneSpirit Interfaith Minister in 2020. I am a Post Primary Teacher of Wellbeing, Business and Special Needs Education. I have had an interest in becoming a minister since my wedding day. I was so touched by the ceremony, the deep connection, I felt there is something in this! I bring elements of joy, happiness, laughter, empathy, compassion, professional and at the same time fun to all ceremonies that I officiate. As an Interfaith minister, I am honoured to perform ceremonies, regardless of your faith or beliefs; love has no boundaries. Love is love. Spiritually, I find happiness in walking outdoors, gratitude journaling, attempting yoga and I’m always working on relaxing my ego.

I will work with couples and families in creating unique Ceremonies and Rituals, Spiritual Counselling, Retreat Facilitator, Legal Weddings and Destination Ceremonies

“Love is a by-product of freedom; it is the overflowing joy of freedom, it is the fragrance of freedom. First the freedom has to be there, then the love follows” – Osho