Sinéad De hÓra

  • Based In: Ireland
  • Also Serving: Connaught, Leinster, Munster, Remote
  • Services: Baby Blessings/Namings, Ceremonies & Rituals, Coaching, Consulting, Death Literacy, Health/Healing/Wellness, Inspirational Talks, Legal Weddings Ireland, Remote Services, Rites of Passage, Spiritual Counselling/Accompaniment, Weddings, Workshop/Retreat Facilitator
  • Ordained In: 2022

Sinéad De hÓra

A native of the mountains of west Cork, I now reside in sunny Sandycove, south Co.Dublin.

My ministry serves Leinster, Munster, Connaught and Ulster. I am an ordained OneSpirit Interfaith Minister, a member of ROSIM and the OneSpirit Interfaith Ministers of Ireland association.

I am a natural empath and intent listener, with heart-centeredness governing all aspects of my life, work, and ministry. Backed by a vast expertise and experience in the holistic health field for 20+ years, I have supported a broad spectrum of clientele through the most challenging and momentous times in their inner and outer lives; guiding and supporting them towards their deepest healing and well-being.

I believe in the sacred in all things and in all people, and I celebrate and hold in deep reverence the many cycles of change we experience. I love our diversity and also our shared humanity. My heart delights in the grace that descends when we are brought together with a shared purpose for life’s more precious moments.

Fully present as a capable and reliable confidant & minister, I am equipped with practical advice and tools for navigating the ordinary and the extraordinary.

Together we will craft a ceremony which is exact in meeting your needs, carefully choosing each facet of the ceremony to reflect your unique beliefs and wishes. I guide all whom I work with in the most compassionate, supportive & professional manner, working with each individual at their own pace.

Spiritual Counselling – unprejudiced & confidential, held in safety, gentleness and deep listening. Guidance through every day & existential crises, navigation toward the authentic self, higher purpose or higher power.

Testimonial: “Sinéad’s creation of a naming ceremony for our baby boy Jade Parris will live on our memories. Every time I think of it now it brings a tear to my eye! I asked Sinéad to do this for us when I was pregnant, as I wanted to celebrate and bless our baby into the world in a way that reflected our beliefs, love and protection of him, and she is certainly the person who is most sensitive to such things.

She incorporated our natural surroundings in the objects she chose for the blessings and was able to articulate our feelings through her words, and also evoke from us our contribution to the ceremony. She explained so eloquently the meanings and history of our babys names… so important I think, when you carry a name through life.

We really felt he was truly blessed by this ceremony. Sinead’s ceremonial delivery charmed everyone with real feelings of love and welcome for our baby…. And soon after baby Jade’s ceremony he began to sleep right through the night!” – Úna & Loz – Galway

You are very welcome to contact me for a free introductory consultation.