Tom Harty

Tom Harty

Hello, my name is Tom. I trained for two years studying all aspects of the faith paths, practices, philosophies, and ways of connecting with the divine and the universe. I particularly enjoy the earth-based practices and philosophies. I wrote many ceremonies on healing, soul friendship, baby naming, weddings, funerals, and rites of passage. All these I now offer in my ministry.

I journeyed deeply in spiritual peer counselling over the two years, this was very special for me as I had studied psychology and counselling skills.

I had the foundation stone laid and created to be in a good space to discover deeply the divine within me and how I experience the divine in my work, and especially those I encounter every day in ministry.

I am offering a space to people that is safe, welcoming, and inclusive, and where total love and acceptance are honoured.

I love music and creating ceremonies with others. I offer a space to create powerful ceremonies and stories which reside in all of us. This is done in a very supportive, caring, and loving way.

“What you seek is seeking you.” – Rumi