“It is your light that lights the world.” – Rumi
Happy June, everyone! We’re buzzing with excitement and have a bundle of joyful news to share this month. First off, we’re ecstatic to extend an invitation to our 2024 Ordination & Graduation Ceremony. Leading up to the Ordination, we’re hosting monthly 30-minute meditation sessions to gather and connect. The very first session is happening tomorrow, Tuesday, June 4th, from 07.00 – 07.30 BST (morning in the UK), and it’s all happening online via Zoom (click here for the link!). There is more information about these sessions in the newsletter, but we truly hope you’ll join us for these powerful gatherings. Your presence is more significant than you might realize. Inside this edition of iConnect, you’ll find not only the details for the ordination ceremony but also, if you’re a OneSpirit Minister, your special invitation to the Vow-Taking ceremony! What an exhilarating time to be part of this vibrant community. We’re also sharing information about our Spiritual Development & Ministry Training Programme, with a special focus on our beloved Birch Pathway Tutor, Annie, this month! Many of our beautiful ministers and community members have also shared some unique offerings for the community… so really, there is a world to discover.
Your Insider Guide to Ordination 2024
Towards Ordination 2024: OneSpirit in Prayer, Peace-making, Community
Calling all those that support the 2024 Ordinands: ministers, students, friends, family, staff, trustees… Please join us at 07.00 BST for 30 minutes (or if you need to you can leave after 15 minutes when the meditation is completed) for our ‘Prayers and Peace-making in Community’ which will bless our ordinands, and enrich all our connections. Joining together weaves miracles! The half-hour gathering is designed with four-fold intentions to enhance the experience and commitment of everyone involved. Firstly, it aims to deepen the dedication of second-year students towards ordination and provide a platform for existing ministers to re-dedicate themselves while supporting their peers. Secondly, the event seeks to foster a sense of community within and across our graduate body but also among the friends and family of the ordinands. Thirdly, we look forward to introducing and welcoming our staff into new roles as we breathe life into the newest chapter of OneSpirit. Lastly, this gathering will manifest OneSpirit’s prayer for peacemaking, promoting peace for all beings at this moment. Join via Zoom here!
4 June – 23 July 2024
Held online via Zoom
Ordination & Graduation Ceremony
We are filled with excitement and warmth as we extend a heartfelt invitation to each one of you – friends, family, friends of our soon-to-be graduates, our esteemed ordained ministers, and every treasured member of the OneSpirit family, including your circles of friends and associates. It is with great joy that we announce ample space is available to welcome everyone wishing to witness and celebrate this momentous event with us in person! In the spirit of inclusivity and connection, we will provide a live stream for the ceremony, ensuring that no matter where you are, you can be part of our community’s celebration (stay tuned for more details). Our gathering is far more than a mere ceremony; it’s a vibrant celebration of transition, accomplishment, and the incredible journey our students have undertaken. As we unite to honour their bold step into a new chapter of their lives, your presence will contribute immensely to the warmth, love, and supportive energy that defines the essence of this event. Seating for guests is available from 1:30 pm, with the ceremony commencing at 2 pm and concluding by 4 pm. Light refreshments will be available after the ceremony. Please wear anything that makes you feel both happy and comfortable on this day of profound celebration! To RSVP, please register your attendance on this form: https://ordination2024invitation.paperform.co/.
Vow-Taking Ceremony
We warmly invite you to a special ceremony celebrating our students’ journey to ordination. Your presence is not only welcome but deeply valued, as we gather to honour their hard work, commitment, and the transformative step they are about to take. This event marks a pivotal step in the journey of our students, a step that is the culmination of their dedication, hard work, and profound commitment. It is a moment of transformation, not just for them, but for all of us as witnesses to their journey. As they stand on the threshold of ordination, your presence would offer them an immeasurable gift – the gift of feeling truly supported and loved by their community. In the spirit of nurturing and supporting our students’ transition, we invite you, our OneSpirit Ministers, to this sacred gathering. It is an opportunity for us to unite, to celebrate, and to radiate the love and community spirit that defines us. Please understand that this gathering will be exclusive to OneSpirit Ministers. While we deeply value the presence and contributions of our OneSpirit students, this particular event is designed to focus on celebrating and supporting our students who are about to be ordained, in a space held by those who have walked the path before them. To RSVP, please register your attendance on this form: https://2024vowtaking.paperform.co/.

OneSpirit’s Professional & Personal Development Offerings
OneSpirit’s Ministry Training Programme is Currently Open for Enrolment… Have you had the chance to meet Annie?
Our Spiritual Development and Ministry Training is now open for enrolment, featuring a new offering this year: the Birch Pathway. Crafted with great care and insight by Annie, a revered OneSpirit Core Tutor and Interfaith Minister, the Birch Pathway stands out as a testament to her profound respect and love for the power of language. Annie’s dedication is evident in her approach to education — she strives to make her teachings not only accessible to all but also warmly inviting, creating a welcoming space for learners from various backgrounds. To uncover the words that hold a special place in her heart, we asked Annie a few questions… In her sharing, Annie opens up a world of language treasures that have deeply touched her soul:
“I love exploring where different words come from and what they mean. My mother was a linguist and used to read dictionaries in all sorts of different languages, for fun! Words so often come from or relate to some other, older language and culture, and this fascinates me – how we are all interconnected and have been travelling, communicating and influencing one another for centuries. Here are some words which are important to me, in the way I live and work with classes. If you are interested in looking them up, here is a link to an online etymology dictionary.”
Conversation: comes from a Latin word about the way we live together – sharing a way of life in a particular place, used especially for people living a dedicated religious life. So deep conversation is so much more than just talking to one another, it’s about being together and includes our relationship not just with each other but also our environment and how we behave in this relationship. We explore this together in our class and our environments.
Communication: comes from Latin too and relates to the word ‘community’ and the idea of sharing things in common, with the general public – distributing equally to the whole, so everybody is involved not excluded. I relate this, especially to our sense of ministry and intention to be accessible to and of service to the public, and this is why we practise nonviolent communication.
Belief and Love: comes from an Old English word, ge-leafa, which in turn comes from an old Germanic word meaning what we hold dear, what we trust and have faith in – what is beloved to us. There is a link between ge-leafa and the word ‘love’. So what we believe, is not just a set of ideas, it is what is dear to our hearts, our personal ‘truth’. Emma Restall Orr pointed this out to me – thanks, Emma!
Listen: I think this is interesting because the most ancient root of listening is hearing. The meaning in the past emphasised active engagement: to listen, we hear and we respond – as the saying goes, ‘to hear is obey’. Obedience, by the way, although we may associate this now with dog training, or other submissive connotations, is also connected with listening, especially to a Higher Power, particularly the promptings of the Divine or our deeper intuitions.
Truth, trees, wisdom and druidry: I love the fact that tree and Truth both have the same root, meaning firmness, reliability, and sturdiness. This is clear in both Old English and Old Celtic words but going back much further in time, an ancient (proto Indo-European) word ‘deru’, apparently meant wood – especially oak trees – and being firm and steadfast. I also love that the word ‘druid’ comes from this root. The ‘id’ bit of Dru-id’ is from old Celtic and proto Indo European meaning knowing and insight, and gives us the word wisdom. So a ‘Druid’ draws insight or wisdom-truth from the trees. This is what I mean, by saying I practise Druidry. I think this is something many of us around the world and throughout time, have in common!”
Interested? Visit the ‘Meet Your Tutor’ page to hear more from Annie. Enrolment closes on 30th September and the 2-year training begins in October.
“She is very inspiring. Her knowledge and experience are a huge gift for us and she is a great role model. She holds a very loving space for us and I’ve never felt so safe before, in the sense that I know whatever happens in our session with her we won’t be judged, shamed or criticised. This feeling is quite new to me and I really want to be able to offer that safe, loving, supportive space to myself and everyone I meet in my work and personal life. What a gift!” – Hara, Annie’s Current Aspen Pathway Student
“I find Annie’s guidance to be exceptional. I really feel valued and like I am a part of the OneSpirit family. Thank you, Annie.” – Tony, Annie’s Current Aspen Pathway Student
“Annie is steady, calm, open, knowledgable, curious and loving. She is modelling how to really listen and respond to the actual needs of the people she is interacting with. The materials she is sharing are well thought out, balancing inspiration and practicality. She foregrounds safety and welcomes in her facilitation of the class in a way that invites bravery, accountability and community. I am grateful to be taught by her and share sacred space with her.” – Ben, Current Student
“My experience with Annie has been truly inspiring. She is a living embodiment of OneSpirit’s Core Beliefs. She demonstrates sensitivity, deep non-judgemental listening together and compassionate communication. I have felt very supported by her when needed. I have much gratitude that she is our Core Tutor.” – Gina, Annie’s Current Aspen Pathway Student
Dive Into the Enchantment of the Birch Pathway — Join Our Free Intro Days!
Are you drawn to the mystical journey of the Birch Pathway, eager to explore the depths of digital learning intertwined with spiritual growth and connection? Embark on an exhilarating journey with us during our free Intro Days. They’re more than just information sessions; they’re a vibrant festival of learning, connection, and discovery. We’re thrilled to offer a series of 4 more captivating Intro Days from June to September 2024, thoughtfully scheduled on both Saturday mornings and Tuesday evenings to effortlessly accommodate your routine. Experience the unique, personalised touch of our Intro Days under the expert guidance of Annie Heppenstall, our Birch Pathway Tutor. Each session promises an interactive experience allowing you to share your spiritual journeys, forge deep connections with like-minded souls, and possibly kindle lasting friendships.
Save the dates for an uplifting experience:
- Saturday, 22 June 2024, 10:00 – 12:30
- Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 18:00 – 20:30
- Saturday, 3 August 2024, 10:00 – 12:30
- Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 18:00 – 20:30
Join us for free and with no strings attached. We’re thrilled to unfold the magic of the Birch Pathway with you and kickstart an unforgettable spiritual journey. While attendance isn’t a prerequisite for our training application, it’s your golden opportunity to meet us and get all your questions answered before you decide to apply.
June’s Anti-Racism Reading Group Invitation
Our next meeting is at 10.15 am (UK time) on Thursday 6th June and as always, everyone is welcome!
So why would you choose to come along? It can feel difficult, dangerous, and uncomfortable, to be with the reality of racism in the world and in our lives. Addressing it is a major undertaking. That’s one reason why we meet, of course: to support and witness each other; to encourage and learn from each other; to comfort and to challenge each other. A deeper reason stems from the realisation that racism wounds us in our souls and in our spirits. Racism comes between us. It keeps us from seeing each other in our wholeness, from being in deep relationships, from being true to our authentic selves that seek to know, to connect, to love.
It is not just racism that wounds us with hidden fences that keep our souls separate. Sexism, ableism homophobia, transphobia and so many other patterns of division wound us all as well. As we explore what racism is and how it works within us, we learn the nature of and begin to tend to these wounds. Tending the wound of racism, attending to our conditioned beliefs of separation we are healing our souls and our spirits and bringing ourselves closer to the God of our understanding. That makes facing and addressing racism sacred. Anti-racist work is sacred work, that sends ripples outward into the world and inward into our hearts, helping us come closer to the divine in ourselves and in each other, and helping us bring a ministry of love and wholeness into the world. Please do join us on June 6th!
Our next meeting will be at 10:15 am on Thursday 6th June.
- Link: Join Zoom Meeting
- Meeting ID: 950 891 4495
- Passcode: vision
OneSpirit’s Supervisor Corner
Pearl Kilkenny Supervisor Spotlight
What year were you ordained? 2016
What inspired you to pursue training with OneSpirit? I worked as a psychotherapist for the past 30 years or so but always focused on the spiritual as well as the human.
How can clients get in touch with you? You can email me here. You can also learn more about me on my Minister Profile here.
What do you consider the most rewarding aspect of being an ordained interfaith minister? To openly work with people who are searching and journeying within.
Read more from Pearl here & meet all of our Accredited Supervisors here.
Tim Ralphs Supervisor Spotlight
What year were you ordained? 2013
What inspired you to pursue training with OneSpirit? I would say that there were two big motivations that led me to undertake the OneSpirit training. All my life I’ve been fascinated by religion – not so much in terms of dogma or history, but in terms of how it makes people feel; the human experience, the practice of faith and what it means to be in a relationship with the Sacred. Perhaps more than that, I’ve been fortunate that during some of my tougher life experiences, I’ve witnessed astounding acts of ministry. Times of grief and disruption that were met by people of incredible skill and fortitude. Individuals who taught me, through their actions, that “minister” is a verb first and a noun second.
I can remember thinking, by my late twenties, that if these skills could be learned and put into practice then I wanted to do exactly that. But I was also aware that I had not found, in my encounters with mainstream religion, a place where it felt like I belonged. I did not have that supportive pillar that came from a connection with a religious tradition. The training the seminary offered met both of these impulses head-on. It offered me a chance to deepen into the ground of my own spirituality through experiential enquiry. It helped me find soil where I could sink my roots. It gifted me with the space to learn and practice skills, some of which I didn’t even realise I needed. And it provided me with a cohort of comrades, a community, with whom I could travel on the journey of awakening and service.
How can clients get in touch with you? I am best reached via email. You can reach me at my website – where you can also subscribe to my mailing list. Or learn more from my OneSpirit Minister profile.
What motivated you to expand your ministry by becoming a Supervisor? I have personally experienced the profound difference that high-quality supervision can make when I’ve felt stuck, conflicted, and pushed to my limits. These experiences of supervision as sacred work have allowed me to be more present with my clients, in deeper relationships with my co-workers and more alive to the world. They led me to want to explore including supervision among the services I offer.
During lockdown, as my caring responsibilities increased, I found myself looking for possibilities to expand my online work. I was lucky to have the opportunity to train with Jane Wilmot and Robin Shohet, who are elders in the field of the helping professions and whose work on the Seven-Eyed Model of Supervision represents, for me, the core of supervisory practice. As a creative practitioner, I also bring a variety of narrative and expressive art practices into supervision sessions, drawing on techniques devised by Mooli Lahad. It is a real honour to be part of the OneSpirit Supervisors Group. I feel connected to both the history of the seminary and to OneSpirit’s ongoing endeavour to foster an ever more diverse, expansive, inclusive and far-reaching Ministry.
Read more from Tim here & meet all of our Accredited Supervisors here.
Shianna Ravenlaw Supervisor Spotlight
What year were you ordained? 2003
What inspired you to pursue training with OneSpirit? It felt like a natural step in my awakening journey to join with others in the sangha, diving more deeply into the Mystical experience beyond academia and dogma. The call was also to grow the depth of my offerings within my existing Holistic Counselling practice and within the co-creation of inspiring ceremonies that bring tangible healing benefits to people’s lives.
How can clients get in touch with you? By email and phone. You can find out more about me from my OneSpirit Minister Profile which also includes testimonials.
What motivated you to expand your ministry by becoming a Supervisor? Supervision is a deeply beautiful and essential aspect of our work exploring the mysteries of the Divine. It offers a safe space in which we are fully witnessed, encouraged, blessed and lovingly challenged to keep our connection to Spirit ‘clean and true’. This supports us to serve others – in whatever capacity that may be – from the deepest place of integrity and embodied awareness. The Supervision I receive is a wonderful gift and I’ve been called to offer such a space for other ministers and for ministers in training since 2006.
What inspires you to do this work? A commitment to return to, and to be sustained by, the vibration of ‘my’ natural state of being, that I may bring forth the pure Light and Song of my Heart through a clear lens ‘out’ into my relationships and into this world, as an active blessing of healing. Alongside this, a commitment to hold sacred space for others to experience the natural state of their being and to extend this deep, deep peace ‘out’ into their relationships and into this troubled world. All of us bring forth our own unique healing vibration that may reach far and wide for the benefit of all in the One and One in the all.
Read more from Shianna here & meet all of our Accredited Supervisors here.
OneSpirit’s Community Offerings + Announcements
*most sections below are ‘clickable’ links, meaning, if you click anywhere within the text or image, it will take you to a page where you can learn more!
Share Your Thoughts & Testimonials With Us!

Introducing Sonia Thompson – the Newest Addition to the OneSpirit Board of Trustees
Sonia is passionate about fairness and justice. It is the lens through which she understands the world and it flavours the way that she goes about her work. She has had a highly successful career in academia, having been the author of the UK’s first 3-year undergraduate degree in Community development, which incorporated a professional qualification in Youth Work. She has also been a member of the Education and Training Standards body of the National Youth Agency, and an External Examiner on several undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
She has sat on a number of Boards including several housing associations, a Community Voluntary Services infrastructural organisation and a Primary Care Trust. She is currently a Co-Director of two Community Interest Companies. Sonia works freelance as an Organisational Development Consultant, Facilitator and Coach, supporting redesign and practices that bring fairness, peace and compassion to people living and working in organisations. Her work extends across Europe and Africa. At the moment she is working hard at becoming a creative writer.
Did you know that we have a dedicated page on our website where you can meet all Staff, Tutors, and Trustees? Meet our Trustees here!
Women’s Effortless Meditation & Wellbeing Autumn Retreat in the Scottish Highlands
A 4-day, 3-night journey giving you time and space in the beautiful Scottish Highlands (across the water from the Isle of Skye) to retreat from everyday life. Your programme is designed to bring you rest and enable you to re-centre and replenish at the time of Samhain (the Celtic New Year). As we head into the darker half of the year, this retreat brings an opportunity, and perhaps the permission you need, to settle into the quieter and more reflective inward season of winter. Are you longing for time… space… nourishment Is your being crying out for stillness… to breathe… to relax? Are you intrigued by meditation or searching for an accessible meditation practice you can adopt in life? Are you yearning for the ocean… the mountains… some wildness?
This women’s retreat is for you if…
you would like to take some time out for rest and invite stillness, quiet, reflection, nature and creativity into your life
you know you’ll need to come back to the centre, to replenish after the busy outward time of summer
you want to connect and spend time with like-minded women
you’re intrigued by meditation… perhaps you’ve never tried to meditate… or you have but couldn’t quiet your mind… or never felt you were doing it right… or never got into a regular practice… or maybe you have a practice, but are interesting in exploring an additional one
you’re keen to have tools and techniques you can use to regularly bring a sense of retreat into your everyday life
you want to turn inwards, to settle, to embrace your inner bear, and move gracefully into the quieter season of winter
Investment: From £640 — £1,060 per person (early bird) or £768 – £1,272 per person
- EARLY BIRD ends on 23 July 2024 and bookings close on 23 September 2024
Embrace the Light with Our Summer Solstice Insights
As the longest day of the year approaches, we wanted to explore the profound connection between the Summer Solstice and spiritual renewal…
- Spiritual Significance: Delve into how different cultures cherish this day as a symbol of light’s triumph over darkness, fertility, and nature in full bloom.
- Personal Growth Techniques: Learn how to utilize this time for inner reflection with sunrise and sunset meditations, nature immersions, and expressive journaling.
- Community Connections: Discover the value of shared celebrations that strengthen bonds and foster collective enlightenment.
The Summer Solstice isn’t just a date on the calendar; it’s a moment of transformation and reawakening. Read our blog to find inspiration and practical advice for tapping into this potent time to grow spiritually and connect more deeply with both the world around you and your inner self.
Universal Worship Services
We’re delighted to announce that our dear Rev Malaika has shared some wonderful information with us about the upcoming Universal Worship Services! These enlightening services are offered at no cost, with any donations gratefully accepted to support the monastery’s charitable efforts. Join in every third Sunday of each month throughout the year 2024, from 2 pm until 3:30 pm, as we gather in a sacred space that welcomes all, irrespective of faith, to celebrate the spirit of unity and peace. The next service will be held June 16th!
For further insights and to plan your visit to the Monastery — a haven of tranquillity right in the heart of Manchester — please visit The Monastery’s official website. Here, you can discover more about this extraordinary venue’s history, its commitment to the community’s well-being, and the array of events that take place within its serene walls. We look forward to sharing this spiritual journey with you at Manchester’s modern-day, multi-faith Monastery, where each occasion is imbued with significance and grace. More information: www.themonastery.co.uk.

The Men’s Rites of Passage
The Men’s Rites of Passage is a 5-day life-changing programme for men which has been undertaken by over 5000 men across the world. This is not about religion but about spirituality. About age-old traditions that guide men into manhood. About coming to trust that there is something greater at work in your life than you could ever imagine. The Men’s Rites of Passage are suitable for all who identify as men, of all colour, age, sexuality, ethnicity and faith tradition or no faith.
The 2024 event will take place from 24th – 28th July near Perth in Scotland.
Apply now, arrange a call to learn more, or read more information on the website: https://www.malejourney.org.uk/rites/mrop
This opportunity comes from OneSpirit Interfaith Minister, Geoff Taggart, who is co-leading the retreat.
Ubuntu Podcast Show, led by Rev Malaika
In Swahili, Ubuntu means: “humanity towards others…”
The Ubuntu Podcast: I will start from your birth, early memories, childhood friends, and frolics, the teenage years, 20s, 30s, 40s and so on up to the present day… I am a sensitive, fun-loving and kind interviewer, with a gentle questioning approach. Before the show, you can inform me of any areas you don’t want to discuss. With this, I invite you to be a guest on the podcast. If you would like to listen to previous shows, please advise accordingly. The show is now a podcast, which will launch in May 2024. You will choose at least 4 favourite tracks to be used on the podcast, like Dessert Island Discs, which will last 2 hours.
“I am because we are, we are because I am.”
For more details or guest confirmation, please contact Rev Malaika directly.

Celebrating, Honouring and Appreciating Love: Today & Everyday at OneSpirit
As the vibrant hues of LGBTQ+ Pride Month paint our communities with the colours of love, courage, and resilience, OneSpirit is proud to share our latest blog post: “Celebrating Love Today & Everyday.” In this piece, we delve into the significance of June’s celebration, a reminder of the Stonewall riots of 1969 and the ongoing pursuit of equality and social justice. At OneSpirit, we stand firmly rooted in values of respect, acceptance, and inclusivity, championing the belief that every person deserves to love and be loved — without exception.
Recognising the beauty of our diverse tapestry including faith, culture, race, sexuality, and gender, our Pride Month message is one of unity and universal love. As interfaith ministers, we are the many-coloured hues within the rainbow of humanity, bridging diverse backgrounds and advocating for a world of harmonious coexistence. Join us in celebrating not only the diversity of love but also the shared journey of humanity that unites us all. Let’s uplift each other this Pride Month and beyond, embracing the boundlessness of love. Let every day be a celebration of love, diversity, and pride.
Have you seen our recent posts on social media over the past month?

A reminder about our community feature — Minister Spotlights! It’s hard for me to find specific ministers to spotlight each month, due to the size of our minister community. To make things smoother, I’ve created a form you can fill out for your profile. This form includes five essentials and eight optional questions to inspire you while creating your spotlight. Depending on participation, I’ll publish one or two spotlights each month. This is a fantastic chance to broadcast your talent, services, and distinctiveness to our wider community. The spotlight form will be available in every iConnect. There is also now a special page for Minister Spotlights… meaning, if you partake now, you’ll be one of the first to be showcased! Ready to participate? Just fill out the form below.
Our website features spaces for fostering connections and uniting community members. The Community Collection page is specially reserved for users to submit their posts. Every submission, be it a book, resource guide, diary entry, song, podcast, or nuggets of wisdom through Instagram, contributes to the collective wisdom available to all. This collective endeavour is especially significant for the ministers and students in our community. Their shared resources or inspiring elements can serve as guiding stars for those in the early days of their spiritual journey, or those who are just needing some inspiration wherever they are. Each piece of wisdom shared stands as a testament that no one is alone in their spiritual voyage. We invite you to submit contributions through the form below!
Welcome to our Supervisors Form, designed to showcase your unique voice. As a supervisor, your experience is precious and we aim to share it. In the form, share stories, insights, and services. Complete as much as you wish, no field is mandatory, aside from basic information. If something is missing, add it! This form should be used to highlight you uniquely – complete it in a way that showcases you how you wish to be showcased. We’ll create a spotlight on you and your distinct services, akin to a supervisor’s page on our past site. Visitors will click your name, and access a dedicated page to learn about your contributions. What’s more, you will have a dual profile – one as a minister and one providing deeper insights into your role as a supervisor. We want it to be easy for our students and ministers to find you.

Awareness, Religious, and Spiritual Days
*These days come from the Interfaith Network, if a day is missing it is not deliberate! More can be found here. June is also LGBTQ+ Pride Month: Often shortened to Pride Month, is a month, typically June, dedicated to the celebration and commemoration of pride. Pride Month began after the Stonewall riots, a series of gay liberation protests in 1969.
- 01 Jun Global Day of Parents
- 03 Jun World Bicycle Day
- 04 Jun International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
- 05 Jun World Environment Day
- 06 Jun Russian Language Day
- 07 Jun World Food Safety Day
- 07 Jun Feast of the Sacred Heart – This Roman Catholic feast day memorialises Jesus’ love for all humans.
- 08 Jun World Oceans Day
- 11 Jun International Day of Play
- 12 Jun World Day Against Child Labour
- 12-13* Jun Shavuot – Shavuot, or Shvues in some Ashkenazi usage, commonly known in English as the Feast of Weeks, is one of the biblically-ordained Three Pilgrimage Festivals. It occurs on the sixth day of the Hebrew month of Sivan; in the 21st century, it may fall between May 15 and June 14 on the Gregorian calendar.
- 13 Jun International Albinism Awareness Day
- 14-19* Jun The Hajj – The pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, which every adult Muslim must make at least once in his or her lifetime. The hajj is the fifth of the fundamental Muslim practices and institutions known as the Five Pillars of Islam. The pilgrimage rite begins on the 7th day of Dhū al-Ḥijjah (the last month of the Islamic year) and ends on the 12th day.
- 14 Jun World Blood Donor Day [WHO]
- 15 Jun World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
- 16 Jun International Day of Family Remittances
- 17-20* Jun Eid-al-Adha – Or the Feast of Sacrifice is the second of the two main holidays celebrated in Islam. In Islamic custom, it honours the willingness of Abraham to sacrifice his son, Ishmael, or Isaac, as an act of obedience to God’s command.
- 18 Jun International Day for Countering Hate Speech
- 18 Jun Autistic Pride Day – Autistic pride recognises the importance of pride for autistic people and its role in bringing about positive changes in the broader society.
- 19 Jun International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict
- 20 Jun World Refugee Day
- 21 Jun International Day of Yoga and International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice
- 21 Jun Litha – Litha is a pagan holiday; one of their eight yearly sabbats. Litha (also known as Midsummer) occurs during the summer solstice and celebrates the beginning of summer. The traditions of Litha appear to be borrowed from many cultures. Most ancient cultures celebrated the summer solstice in some way.
- 23 Jun United Nations Public Service Day
- 23 Jun International Widows’ Day
- 24 Jun International Day of Women in Diplomacy
- 26 Jun International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
- 26 Jun United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
- 29 Jun International Day of the Tropics
- 29 Jun St. Peter and St. Paul Day – The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul or Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul is a liturgical feast in honour of the martyrdom of the apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Rome.
- 30 Jun International Asteroid Day
- 30 Jun International Day of Parliamentarism