Engaging with the Ebb and Flow of Spirituality
Dive into the heart of a transformative spiritual journey with OneSpirit’s unique Emerging and Live Curriculum, where the learning environment dynamically evolves with each participant's growth and input. Unlike conventional programs, OneSpirit offers an adaptive curriculum that values the contributions and experiences of every student, fostering a collaborative and rich tapestry of wisdom. Here, education is a living, breathing journey, adapting to meet you wherever you are in your spiritual exploration. This approach creates a safe and sacred space for unhindered expression and profound personal development. If you're searching for a spiritually enriching education that grows with you, embracing the fluidity and vibrance of life itself, the OneSpirit experience awaits.
International Day of Friendship
As the International Day of Friendship approaches, OneSpirit celebrates the power of connections that bridge the divides of race, religion, and nationality. In a world often shadowed by division, this day stands as a beacon of solidarity, understanding, and shared humanity. OneSpirit champions the essence of friendship as a sacred bond, pivotal to its mission of fostering interfaith dialogue and respect for diverse beliefs. This occasion is not only about honouring existing bonds but also about reaching out to create new ones, expanding our understanding and empathy through every new friendship formed. At OneSpirit, we nurture qualities vital for genuine connection—empathy, open-mindedness, and inclusivity—within our courses and community. This Day of Friendship, acknowledge the friends who light your way and open your hearts to forming new bonds, in a collective endeavour to build a world where friendship transcends all barriers, guided by a vision of understanding, respect, and unconditional love.
A Call for Unity and Support
Lavinia, the Community Development Lead at OneSpirit, extends a warm introduction and expresses her admiration for the community’s sense of unity and support. She reflects on the unique, interconnected nature of the interfaith community, emphasising its collective strength. Currently, she highlights a special request from Martin Nathanael, who is seeking assistance and collaboration from fellow ministers and supporters for a project aimed at benefiting the community. Lavinia encourages members to engage with Martin's initiative, underscoring the importance of their interconnectedness and mutual support.
Embracing the Spirit of Summer Solstice
Embrace the radiant energy of the Summer Solstice, a time marked by ancient traditions and spiritual renewal. This significant period invites the OneSpirit community to indulge in deep reflection, nature immersion, and creative expression. It's an opportunity to celebrate the longest day of the year, acknowledging our inner growth and setting intentions for the journey ahead. Through sunrise and sunset meditations, connecting with nature, and fostering communal bonds, we honour this pivotal moment.

Celebrating Beltane: A Journey Through Time & Tradition

Delve into the heart of Beltane with OneSpirit, celebrating life, light, and community at Edinburgh’s vibrant Fire Festival. A modern homage to ancient traditions, fostering unity through nature’s cycles.

Honouring Togetherness on the Day of Living Together in Peace

Marking the Day of Living Together in Peace, OneSpirit reflects on peace starting within. By weaving a tapestry of diversity through dialogue and compassion, we celebrate our shared humanity and the path towards global harmony.

Earth Day 2024

Celebrating Earth Day: OneSpirit explores environmental stewardship within spiritual practices. Encourages members to engage in earth-centric activities, fostering unity and sustainability, doing our part one step at a time.

International Women’s Day 2024

On International Women’s Day, OneSpirit honours women’s diverse contributions. Celebrating women of all backgrounds, it echoes calls for inclusivity, equality, and unity, championing women’s role in healing and spirit-led community leadership. 

World Day to Combat Islamophobia 2024

For World Day to Combat Islamophobia 2024, OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation advocates for enriching interfaith dialogue, aiming to weave understanding and peace across diverse spiritual paths, fostering a society grounded in compassion and mutual respect.

Holocaust Memorial Day 2024

On Jan 27, OneSpirit honours International Holocaust Memorial Day, marking the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. We want to emphasise the power of remembrance for forging a compassionate world while standing united against prejudice and hatred.

Holocaust Memorial Day 2023

On Holocaust Memorial Day 2023, OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation reflects on the lives lost during WWII’s Holocaust, committing to bringing light into darkness daily, in honour of the victims. Each year, we and others, use this day to reflect on those who were affected across the world.

International Day of Education 2024

OneSpirit celebrates International Day of Education by spotlighting their Learning Design Specialist, Maddy. With a diverse background and a passion for interfaith education, she believes in the transformative power of learning and
applies this in her role.

Finding Hope on Earth Day 2023

On Earth Day 2023, activists gather in London, filled with hope and unity for climate justice. Despite setbacks like Bristol Airport’s expansion, hope thrives on gratitude and action, fostering resilience and a deeper connection with
the Earth and each other.

Choose your words: Language & Stereotypes

Reflecting on World Suicide Prevention Day, OneSpirit emphasises the power of language to combat stigma, suggesting phrases like “died by suicide” instead of “committed suicide,” and advocates for compassion and education to support mental wellness.

Pride & Faith: Honouring Our Uniqueness

OneSpirit reflects on LGBTQ+ month, upholding unity in diversity and inclusivity in spirituality. The team shares profound LGBTQ+ resources and asserts the importance of pride, authenticity,
and unconditional acceptance
of love and identity.

International Women’s Day 2022

OneSpirit celebrated International Women’s Day 2022 by sharing inspirational quotes. The team honored women’s achievements and reflected on gender equality, aiming to inspire and acknowledge the significance of women’s contributions worldwide.