Love is the bridge between you and everything. – Rumi
Happy August to you all! In this vibrant season, our community brims with love and support, especially as we wrap up the ordination celebrations of the Class of 2024. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us, whether in the room or through the wonders of technology. The ceremony truly exemplified beauty and love, echoing a deep communal spirit even across digital platforms. It stood as a testament to the magic of our shared journey and the moving experience of spiritual growth. In the spirit of capturing and cherishing these memories, we are gathering reflections, photos, and other mementoes from the ordination ceremony. Your contributions are most welcome and can be submitted through the form linked here. Anything submitted here will be used to create a virtual gift for our newly ordained ministers, as they continue forward on their journey.
The rich tapestry of our community during these pivotal celebrations fills me with gratitude and inspiration – it is truly a wonder to be part of OneSpirit. This invitation extends to you: immerse yourself in our collective spiritual journey, celebrating, growing, and evolving alongside OneSpirit in this new season. As you know, the festivities and opportunities for growth continue beyond just our gatherings. Our Spiritual Development and Ministry Training Program is open for enrollment until September’s end. Considering taking this transformative step? There couldn’t be a better time to delve into what OneSpirit has to offer, with our final Intro Day of the year approaching on September 10th. This event is a perfect moment to engage with the essence of the spiritual community and learning environment that OneSpirit fosters. Together, we move forward into an exciting era of our personal and shared journeys. Sending you all vibes of good health and high spirits, Kailee xx
Join us in celebrating our beloved faculty members who are stepping down this year…
- You may have heard by now that Nicola Coombe is stepping down from her role at OneSpirit. In her message, Nicola shared: “In writing to Alan to confirm my resignation from OneSpirit’s employment I said I had very mixed feelings and great clarity. The clarity is because the decision has come from a compassionate inner direction. The mixed feelings are that it was made clear that I’d always want to do this work, and that waiting for that to diminish wasn’t a signal that would come. And yet, alongside this, it is time to step away. At the moment my next steps aren’t known. The feeling is of a blank page – and of needing to not agitate to fill it.” – you can read her entire statement in July’s iConnect. If you’d like to leave a message for Nicola, please (click here).
- We invite you to share your farewell messages and expressions of gratitude for our beloved faculty member, Christopher Marcus, lovingly known as Christo, as he steps down from his role with OneSpirit. Christo has been an integral part of OneSpirit since he was ordained in 2007 and became a member of the Faculty in 2009. Over the years, he has made a remarkable impact on our community through his insightful leadership and the strong connections he has forged. He has offered space for deepening one’s relationship with The Divine through ritual, ceremony, and the transformative group work of our curriculum. His work has fostered personal and collective growth, and his contributions as a Faculty member and colleague have been truly transformative. If you’d like to offer words to Christo, we ask that you (click here).
- We invite you also to help us honour Linda Dunbar, a valued OneSpirit faculty member, as she transitions to a new phase in life. An ordained OneSpirit minister since 2020, Linda has dedicated her career to spirituality and education. Her influence extends across our community and into her role as a national educator for NHS Scotland’s Health and Social Care Chaplains. Linda has gifted OneSpirit with her expertise and kind heart as a Group Tutor since 2021. As Linda turns the page in September 2024, let’s join in sending her off with gratitude and best wishes. If you’d like to offer love, gratitude, and best wishes, you can (click here).
For those who have already shared kind words with our beloved faculty, we extend our deepest gratitude. Your thoughtful expressions mean more to us than we can convey. As we prepare to celebrate their remarkable contributions, we are filled with a mix of emotions. While there is a profound sense of sadness as we say goodbye to these cherished members of our community, there is also immense excitement for the new paths they are embarking upon. Their unique talents will continue to enrich and inspire others, and we are deeply grateful for the legacy they leave behind at OneSpirit. Your heartfelt messages will play a crucial role in shaping our celebration for September’s iConnect, helping us honour the incredible impact these individuals have made. Thank you once again for your support and for being a part of this meaningful moment in our journey!

Welcome, Class of 2024!
We are overjoyed to congratulate and welcome the beloved Class of 2024 to the OneSpirit Interfaith Minister community! This past weekend, 14 beautiful, unique, and devoted individuals were ordained in a ceremony surrounded by love and support.
If you were unable to join us live or virtually, don’t worry – we have provided the recording below for all friends of OneSpirit. For those who were able to join, your presence was felt wholeheartedly! What a beautiful community we have – thank you for joining and showing love to our new ministers.
We invite you to contribute to a virtual gift of remembrance for the Class of 2024. Whether you have photos or videos from the ordination, reflections, quotes, or advice, please add them to this form (click here). If you’re from the Class of 2024, you can also add your thoughts for your fellow classmates. Your contributions will help us create a heartfelt keepsake for our newly ordained ministers!
To all our wonderful ministers, if you have a chance, please offer these wonderful individuals your congratulations. They are standing where you once stood, ready to begin the next chapter of their lives…
Reflecting on Ordination 2024
“Dear OneSpirit Community, every OneSpirit Ordination is a tightrope with multiple moving parts, little rehearsal, and masses of faith glueing us together! The grace that flowed into us all on Saturday 20 July this year filled the Glastonbury Town Hall, and the hearts of all present, with the broadest smiles. Rev. Monica Douglas and I had the honour of overseeing this year’s symphony of parts and players, as the second-year co-tutors. We have so many thanks to share for everyone who contributed to the beautiful ordination of the Class of 2024. And I have so many thanks to offer to Monica, in her first year on the faculty, and for her extraordinary companionship in our teaching this year! You are a complete gift to OneSpirit, Monica.
At the centre of our thanks are our radiant ordinands, now our brand new ministers. And right alongside them, all their family and friends, in person and online, and over the whole two years. Thank you! We had one ordinand in New Zealand, Georgina Langdale, whose ordination followed online on Tuesday 23rd. Georgina’s husband spoke at that gathering about the profound positive impact that Georgina’s training had had on him and their family. We offer our deep gratitude for the generosity of all families, children and friends who extend their support to those undertaking the transformation our training offers. We are grateful to hear that it has been valuable to the wider lives of our students. Thank you!
To our wider OneSpirit team – the faculty and operations teams overseen by Alan, our Executive Director– and all our trustees – including Rev. Zietsman who co-led the first year of this class of 2024, thank you! Thank you, Sheila (and Sarah) for driving for many hours to help lead the vow-taking on Thursday before the ordination, and for thus being part of this class completion. And thank you to our dear Christo – Rev. Christopher Marcus – now stepping out of the faculty. You are a long-time faculty member and friend of OneSpirit. You have deeply enriched our work for nearly two decades. As you step away from your formal association with the faculty we connect our thanks and more to you. It was magnificent that you opened the ceremony blowing the conch, and then what a joy to all process into the Ordination with each ordinand arm in arm with one of the OneSpirit community. Added to that was the delight of again singing “Here I Am”, this time as a prayer on entry. And what a hearty prayer it was, with all joining in. In rehearsing we agreed it is utterly cheesy and fabulously joyous! Thank you.
Robert Norton – musician, composer, mystic – has been a central part of every single OneSpirit ordination! Robert your sensitive gifts are inseparable from this holy annual expression. We honour and deeply appreciate you as a cherished part of our story. Thank you!
Our dear friend Manickam Yogeswaram has also been with us at ordinations for many years. In late-night calls on the night before Ordination this year we learnt that travel chaos meant Manickam could not come from Berlin. As we swallowed this news, we very quickly had the blessing of Rev. David Moss accepting our invitation to step into this part of the Ordination. David, we have heard so much appreciation for your embodiment of the event, through your own genius of composition, lyrics, overtones, and musicianship through the strings you brought. Your ordination gifts flowed from the Devotional Evening you led the ordinands into ahead of their vow-taking. I am certain OneSpirit wishes to hear more of your soul craft (in music and in all your other talents).
We were so blessed by Rev. Laura Ireland calling forth a WhatsApp group – “The Love Bubble” – that created a channel for others in the Somerset Class of 22 to pour their love and support into the retreat, vow-taking, and then Ordination. Laura, together with your husband Chris: you show us the art of Sacred Hospitality. The breathtaking flowers, the sturdy platform, the lectern, the easel for our New Zealand online ordinand Georgina’s painting, The Tea That Was Beyond Splendid, and so much more. Thank you – and to your fellow Somerset ministers, and to ALL our ministers who came from near and far, and who joined us in your prayers on all the Tuesday morning Zoom meditations: thank you! We rise into this event each year in our inner and outer holding.
A big thank you to Elmer Postle, Director of Whole Being Films, and your colleague Richard Gibbs for your unwavering dedication each year. Your exceptional videography captures the true essence of the ceremony with such grace and ensures that the live stream feels inclusive, blending seamlessly with the live event. Thank you.
Thank you too to Glastonbury Town Hall and the town of Glastonbury for providing such a magical venue. The charm and spirit of Glastonbury added a tangible atmosphere to the ordination, making it a memorable experience for everyone involved.
In the days ahead of the Ordination I received messages of deep support and friendship for our work from Miranda Macpherson, our pioneering founder, and from many others who interweave our inner tapestry of spiritual and energetic support. Supervisors, ministers, elders, family and friends, fellow teachers and guest speakers, past faculty and staff: we all say thank you to you!
As I step away from 19 years of our OneSpirit work on the coalface of spiritual education, inner authority and leadership, and on the 20th anniversary of my own class’ ordination, I offer my ongoing support to the deep work of awakening to the Love that we essentially are. The ways in which our curriculum and our community can express this alchemy in our world are a precious gift in perilous and potent times. It has been a great joy to express some of this mystery through this year’s ordination process. May its seeds be well planted and bear good harvests. With my thanks, love, and blessings ~ Nicola”
We’re thrilled to share our Ordination 2024 celebration with you! This video is unlisted and accessible only through the link provided here, exclusively for our valued community. Please do comment and share your support with our newly ordained ministers! This special event represents a significant milestone in the spiritual journeys of our graduates as they step into their new roles as ordained ministers. In this moving ceremony, you’ll experience:
- Inspiring speeches from our esteemed faculty and guest speakers
- Heartfelt personal reflections from the graduates
- Beautiful musical performances and spiritual rituals
- The official ordination of our new ministers, ready to make a positive impact in their communities
Whether you’re a supporter, friend, or simply interested in interfaith ministry, this video offers a glimpse into the transformative power of this programme and the dedication, compassion, and vision of these new leaders.
A special thanks to Elmer Postle, Director of Whole Being Films, and Richard Gibbs for their unwavering commitment to filming and editing our Ordination videos each year. Your exceptional work captures the essence of the ceremony beautifully—thank you for this wonderful gift! Check out Elmer’s work here: https://wholebeingfilms.com/. Thank you for joining us in celebrating this joyous occasion!

OneSpirit’s Professional & Personal Development Offerings
Unlock Your Future: Explore the Boundless Pathways Beyond the Birch Pathway
So you’re interested in the Birch Pathway but wondering what comes next? Imagine the wondrous journey that awaits you after our training programme. By exploring our “Find a Minister” gallery, you can witness the incredible diversity of paths carved by our ministers, each starting from unique inspirations and unfolding into remarkable narratives. With over 300 ministers featured, our gallery is a testament to the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. From leading a community towards unity to blending spirituality with public service, each story is a beacon of what’s possible.
Your calling is yours to shape! If you’re inspired to explore the myriad landscapes of spiritual calling, our gallery stands as an invitation to dream about your future with OpenSpirit, ensuring it’s as boundless and bright as you aspire it to be. Embrace your true self and know that the future truly belongs to you.
- Closing date for enrolment submissions: 30 September 2024
- 2-Year Training begins: October 2024
Unlock your future and explore the boundless pathways beyond the Birch Pathway! Learn more here…
Discover the Wonders of the Birch Pathway — Join Our Free Intro Day Sessions!
Are you intrigued by the Birch Pathway and eager to explore where education meets spiritual awakening? Start your captivating journey with us at our free introduction sessions. These events go beyond standard info sessions—they’re a celebration of learning, connection, and discovery. Experience the unique offerings of our introduction sessions, guided by our insightful Birch Pathway Tutor, Annie Heppenstall. Each session is interactive, inviting you to share your spiritual journey, connect with like-minded individuals, and potentially forge lasting friendships.
Mark your calendar for our last inspiring session of the year: Tuesday, 10th September 2024, 18:00 – 20:30
Join us for free, with no obligation. While attending is not a required step for applying to our training, these sessions are a fantastic opportunity to engage with us and get your questions answered before making a decision. You don’t need to have anything prepared, you don’t even have to engage if you’re not comfortable doing so, this Intro Day is for you, so use it how you need!
RSVP to our Intro Days and start your transformative journey! Click here to register your interest.
Join us in Scotland for a Legal Weddings CPD Workshop
Attention all ministers: We are excited to offer a Legal Weddings Workshop in Scotland! We invite all OneSpirit Ministers, whether you have attended before or are new and not yet on the register.
For those who have never attended this workshop and are seeking nomination to the legal solemniser/officiant register in Scotland, the training is divided into two parts:
- Online Training: Accessible after ordination and can be completed at your own pace. You will be enrolled in this course once you complete the registration form. Please finish the online course before attending the in-person workshop.
- In-Person Workshop: Conducted by local trainers (OneSpirit ministers) actively working in Scotland.
Click here to register your interest!
For those who have attended this CPD training before and are already on the legal solemniser/officiant register in Scotland, this workshop is an excellent opportunity to:
- Fulfil the requirement for ministers with temporary or 3-year authorisation.
- Connect, network, and share experiences with newer ministers.
- Exchange valuable expertise and support with peers.
Click here to register your interest!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask! We look forward to seeing you there and making meaningful connections. Please note, the venue doesn’t provide lunch, so we kindly ask that you bring your own.
Date: Sunday, 6th October 2024
Time: 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Venue: Subud Centre, 7 St Leonard’s Bank, Perth, PH2 8EB
Cost: Ministers who are NOT on the register: £98 (includes online & in-person training) & Ministers who ARE on the register: donation-based!
Embrace an Extraordinary Opportunity — Join Our Board of Trustees!
Are you ready to seize an extraordinary opportunity to guide a vibrant community towards expressing an inclusive and global spirituality? At OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation, we are seeking visionary individuals to join our Board of Trustees. Our noble mission is to awaken hearts and minds, creating a world unified in diversity and enriched by love and life — and your role is crucial! At OneSpirit, we are dedicated to fostering spiritual enlightenment by equipping individuals with wisdom across a spectrum of faith paths through interfaith ministry, spiritual leadership, sacred activism, ritual, and spiritual accompaniment. The impact you could have in steering this transformation is profound. As a Trustee, your insights and guidance will be essential as we strive to fulfil our mission with integrity and inclusivity. Serving a four-year term, you will form the bedrock of our growth, sharing the rewarding responsibility of shaping the future of our organisation alongside a committed leadership team. Our meetings, held via Zoom, offer a blend of formal governance and inspiring collaboration, ensuring we remain focused on continued enlightenment and charitable success.
We are reaching out to those with a talent for forging meaningful connections, a heart that champions diversity, and a natural aptitude for leadership. While prior experience as a Trustee is welcome, it is not essential; we value the unique perspectives each individual brings. Embrace the ethos of OneSpirit by becoming a catalyst for spiritual growth and nurturing an environment where unity in diversity flourishes. Honour the sacredness of your role by upholding our cherished Code of Ethics, reflecting the moral values that guide our every action. This invitation is open to all, regardless of personal characteristics. We believe in the power of diversity within our Board of Trustees, reflecting the richness of the communities we serve. Seize the chance to help humanity awaken to a global spirituality that nurtures all within the realms of love and life. If our vision and mission resonate with you, we warmly encourage you to apply or get in touch. Connect with us for application forms and explore more about who we are and the spiritual paths we illuminate.
Join us — as we journey together towards a world awakened! Email admin for more information & an application form by clicking here.
Enhance Your Ministry and Personal Growth with OneSpirit’s Group Supervision Sessions
We are thrilled to introduce our revitalised Group Supervision sessions, designed to enrich both your ministry and personal development. These sessions create a dynamic and supportive environment where ministers can share, reflect, and engage in meaningful dialogue with peers, all under the expert guidance of our accredited supervisors. Held on the first Monday of each month, our Group Supervision gatherings are sacred circles that offer a warm, safe, and nurturing space ideal for deep reflection on the many dimensions of ministry.
As one of our supervisors shares, “Supervision is a vital part of our continuing professional development. We need to keep our skills updated and ensure our blind spots are not detrimental to supervision relationships. Group supervision, in particular, allows us to learn from one another, to be witnessed, and to give and receive support. All this contributes towards building confidence in what is often solitary work.” Our sessions offer collaborative learning and professional growth, providing a space for honest conversations and shared insights. With monthly sessions, you can join at your own pace and fit them into your schedule with ease.
Session Snapshot:
- Introduction: Each session starts with a warm welcome and overview, setting the tone for introspection and connection.
- Breakout Rooms: Engage in smaller, focused groups for personalised attention and tailored supervision.
- Group Size: Limited to six participants per breakout room to ensure an intimate and enriching experience.
- Duration: Each session lasts two hours, striking the perfect balance between depth and manageability.
This is your chance to deepen your ministry’s impact and enhance your spiritual journey. As another supervisor points out, “Being able to share honestly with others about our ministry work enables support to be given and received, reducing isolation in what is often a solitary environment. The sharing of experiences and pooling of resources provides confidence and insight.” Embrace this unique opportunity to connect with your peers and grow together.
We look forward to welcoming you to our next session! More information is coming soon. For now, learn more about our new Group Supervision offering here…
OneSpirit’s Supervisor Corner
Hello! Welcome to the Supervisor’s Corner.
The Summer is an alchemical time within the OneSpirit community. Our ordinands have just passed through the portals of their vow-taking and ordination. We here at Supervisors’ Corner join in welcoming them to the community of ministers. Our First Years are also in a process of transition as they integrate and reflect on their experiences of the time that has gone by.
To me, this seems the perfect time to explore some of the different scopes and scales over which supervision can work. I want to begin by restating what I think of as the purpose of supervision in the OneSpirit context: Supervision helps us heed more clearly and answer more fully our own calling to ministry in all its many forms.
As I continue in my own ministry, my experience of supervision grows both as a supervisor and as someone receiving ongoing supervision. Something that fascinates me is the way that supervision can shift scope and focus, zooming in and out, both over an ongoing supervisory relationship and during the course of a single session. Sometimes half an hour or more can be spent just diving deep into a single interaction, a particular intervention, a solitary sacred moment where the client and minister exchange a few words. It can be profoundly liberating to, for example, explore and roleplay other approaches that we, as ministers might bring to our clients. At other times we step back from any specific client relationship, seeking guidance about the paths we’re being called to walk, the overall shape of service that we might find ourselves offering the world.
I’ve come to think about supervision as operating on at least three different scales, and I wanted to give examples of them here and how each scale might shift the approaches that the minister and supervisor take. I want to be clear that these categories are by no means exhaustive and represent purely my current, imperfect musing on the topic…
Firstly, there are times when a particular client or piece of work might benefit from being the specific focus of supervision. I recall one instance where I was supervising a therapist who had decided to end her relationship with a particular long-term client, referring them to a colleague instead of continuing to work with them herself. In supervision, we spent a long time exploring how to raise this issue, her sense of responsibility to her client, what she wanted in terms of closure, and what this decision brought up for her. As is often the case in supervision, this way of working brings three people into the supervisory space in differing roles we might label ‘client’, ‘minister’ and ‘supervisor’. And we might each spend time in all three positions! This is perhaps the default way that supervision happens, but it’s not the only shape supervision can take.
This brings me to the second scale over which I observe supervision playing out: There are often patterns that occur in my work, both as a supervisor and a minister. It may be that I get a series of requests for funerals for young men who have died suddenly, or find that the theme of loneliness occurs across multiple different counselling clients. If we hold the belief that the Universe provides us with exactly the clients we need, then this might feel like a big, flashing sign pointing at something we should really give some attention. In supervision, the particular clients might feature primarily as gateways into the pattern, giving context for a discussion of the recurring issue. As an aside, this is often a great opportunity to consider our continuous professional development – do these recurring patterns help us discover our learning edges? As an example, some time ago I found I suddenly had several neurodivergent clients asking for spiritual counselling. It was definitely an opportunity for me to explore more training!
Lastly, there are sometimes occasions when, as ministers or practitioners, we want support, guidance and supervision on the works of service that we’re called to. This need for support might not arise from any particular interactions with clients at all. We may feel new callings encouraging us into new directions. We may feel it is time to change the way we work, abandoning old practices. We may be facing major transitions in our own lives – moving house, career changes, retirement, new caring responsibilities, and grief, all of which will impact the way we offer ministry and acts of service. As an example, for a long time, I considered my work as a storyteller and a minister to be separate. In the former, I worked as a performer of myth, legend and folktale. I was primarily an entertainer. In the latter, I held sacred space for other people. I felt like I was bringing very different parts of myself to work that I was called to do. Over time, I became increasingly curious about the parallels and connections that arose from these two different arenas, but it took a lot of soul-searching and support before I felt ready to integrate them in any way, and supervision was a necessary part of this for me.
Before I conclude, I wanted to acknowledge another sense of scale over which supervision can be considered to work. Shohet and Wilmot talk about the “Finite and Infinite Game of Supervision”. The “finite game” is goal-specific; it focuses on tangible outcomes and keeps our attention on the realm of the known and knowable. The “infinite game” recognises that much of what happens in the supervisory space is operating on a level beyond the individuals in the session and thus invites the possibility for something profound to happen that continues unfolding well beyond the particular session or any one issue. The “infinite game” is, I suggest, an invitation to allow the God of Our Understanding into the supervisory space to support us through whatever transformation we may be experiencing, both internally and as part of a wider human constellation. Here, I want to return to my statement of the goal of supervision in a OneSpirit context. ‘Supervision helps us heed more clearly and answer more fully our own calling to ministry in all its many forms.’ If our supervision aligns us with our call to ministry, then the supervisory space is inevitably a sacred space and our sessions are a spiritual activity; an altar to which we bring ourselves, our work, our clients, our troubles, our growth, and offer it all up.
May our work be blessed.
Click here to read this month’s Supervisors Corner letter in a different format.
OneSpirit’s Community Offerings + Announcements
*most sections below are ‘clickable’ links, meaning, if you click anywhere within the text or image, it will take you to a page where you can learn more!
Share Your Thoughts & Testimonials With Us!
Honouring Yashodha: A Tribute to Her Inspiring Leadership and Dedication
We wish to convey our warmest gratitude to Yashodha for her exceptional service as Chair of Trustees.
As you’ll discover below, Yashodha led the OneSpirit Trustees with profound kindness and dedication, infusing her role with genuine care and compassion. We are immensely thankful for her extraordinary contributions. Her very down-to-earth spirituality, which can be simply summarised as, “In this moment, how can I enjoy God’s world and be of service?” has profoundly influenced her approach. Yashoda’s commitment to living her spirituality in every action has inspired us all, shaping the heart and soul of our community.
Yashodha’s unwavering dedication has been nothing short of inspirational. From the moment she assumed her role as Chair of Trustees, she has embodied leadership qualities that extend far beyond the call of duty. Her compassionate approach has ensured each trustee feels heard, valued, and empowered, fostering a harmonious and productive environment. Her intuitive wisdom and selfless service have guided numerous initiatives to their fruition, leaving an enduring legacy of impact and positive change. But Yashodha’s influence reaches beyond her official duties. She has been a mentor, a confidante, and a source of inspiration for many within our community. Her vision has not only steered our collective efforts but also encouraged personal growth and spiritual development among trustees and community members alike. Each interaction with Yashodha has been an opportunity to learn and grow, touched by her sincerity and grace.
Her leadership has left an indelible mark on our community, creating ripples of compassion, kindness, and spiritual fulfilment that will continue to resonate for years to come. We are honoured and privileged to have journeyed with such an extraordinary individual. As we look to the future, we carry forward the lessons she imparted, inspired to walk the path she has illuminated with her spirit and wisdom. Thank you, Yashodha, for enriching our lives with your presence, for steering our ship with such elegance, and for your remarkable legacy. We are eternally grateful.
Welcome Joanna: Embracing New Horizons as OneSpirit Chair of Trustees
We are delighted to announce that Joanna is stepping into the role of Chair of Trustees for OneSpirit. Joanna brings with her a rich and diverse background that uniquely positions her to lead and inspire our community. Her journey began in Fine Art, where she specialised in painting and sculpture, and earned recognition from The Henry Moore Foundation. Her passion for art, particularly its intersection with social issues, naturally evolved into a career in social work, where she has made an impactful difference for over 25 years.
Joanna’s extensive experience includes management roles in social services, supporting adults with physical disabilities, sensory impairments, learning disabilities, and Autism, as well as working with community drugs and alcohol teams and older people’s services. Her expertise extends to developing bereavement services in a hospice setting and serving as a Schwartz-Rounds facilitator. Ordained in 2011, Joanna took a career break to raise her daughter and care for her mother, but she has continued to contribute by conducting funerals and weddings, working part-time in social work, and writing reflective plays. Her completion of the MM Interfaith course further enriches her understanding and dedication to our mission.
We are excited to welcome Joanna to her new role, confident that her extensive experience and compassionate approach will guide us to new heights. Her leadership promises to enhance our efforts and strengthen our commitment to fostering a unified, supportive community. Please join us in extending a warm and heartfelt welcome to Joanna as she embarks on this inspiring journey with us!
A Message of Gratitude for Jane Patmore, OneSpirit’s Scotland Representative
To our dear Jane,
As you step down from your role with OneSpirit, we wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for all the invaluable work you’ve done with the organisation over the years. Since your ordination in 2011, you’ve been such a cherished member of our community, touching many with your warmth, grace, and knowledge. As our Scotland Nominating Officer and OneSpirit’s Scotland Representative, your expertise and deep understanding of wedding law have been invaluable. Your efforts have helped us navigate the complexities of the legal landscape and ensured that our ministers are held in high regard by the NRS. Your diligence and dedication to this important work have not gone unnoticed. Moreover, your role in introducing initiatives that have enhanced the standing and reputation of OneSpirit ministers in Scotland cannot be overstated. Your guidance and support to ministers, especially those starting their journey, have made a significant impact! Your generosity with your time and expertise in supporting our network of Scotland ministers on a voluntary basis has been truly commendable. We will sorely miss your contributions! While we are sad to see you go, please know that we fully support you as you embark on your next adventure. Your kindness, empathy, and exceptional knowledge will always be treasured within the OneSpirit community. We cannot thank you enough for all that you’ve done. All of us at OneSpirit are wishing you all the best in your future endeavours!
“Life is full of important events. Celebrations and rituals give meaning to these and offer us the chance to connect with each other, the world around us, and our own deepest feelings. Some events are cause for great joy and celebration, others may mark sad occasions or the passing of time. Each one should be truly memorable, meaningful and personal” – Jane Patmore
Exciting Opportunities at OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation – Bridging Beliefs, Building Community
We’re delighted to announce that OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation is hiring for two key positions within our vibrant community! We are seeking passionate individuals to join us in roles that will significantly contribute to our mission of fostering interfaith dialogue and community building.
Position 1: Nominator for the Register of Approved Celebrants in Scotland
Position 2: Continuing Professional Development Coordinator in Scotland
While we recognise the advantages of having these roles separate, we’re open to the possibility of combining them if this aligns with your skills and aspirations. If you believe you could excel in either or both roles, please let us know during the application and interview process. Join us in making a difference and help shape a more inclusive and compassionate world!
For more details on how to apply, click the images below, or the position titles above. To apply, simply email admin@osif.org.uk. We look forward to finding the perfect fit for our dynamic team!
Opportunity from Our Friends at the Alef Trust
For members of the OneSpirit community, this may be something you’re particularly interested in… Are you interested in enhancing your personal and professional development with transformative courses? The Alef Trust is a global leader in transformative education and training in consciousness, transpersonal and spiritual psychology. We’re thrilled to announce that our friends at the Alef Trust are welcoming last-minute applications for their MSc programme starting this September!
Dive deep into a curriculum that beautifully interweaves academic, personal, and professional development. This fully online programme, validated by Liverpool John Moores University, UK, prepares students to master the realms of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology, aligning with a renewed sense of humanity in our interconnected world. Engage in participatory reflective dialogues with your cohort, benefit from pastoral and academic support, and enrich your learning with guest webinars. Join a vibrant community of alumni who are making meaningful changes and participating in transformative efforts globally. Don’t miss out! Discover more at Alef Trust and reach out to nick.theo@aleftrust.org for additional info.
“This is more than a course, it’s a transformation…”
Women’s Effortless Meditation & Wellbeing Autumn Retreat in the Scottish Highlands
A 4-day, 3-night journey giving you time and space in the beautiful Scottish Highlands (across the water from the Isle of Skye) to retreat from everyday life. Your programme is designed to bring you rest and enable you to re-centre and replenish at the time of Samhain (the Celtic New Year). As we head into the darker half of the year, this retreat brings an opportunity, and perhaps the permission you need, to settle into the quieter and more reflective inward season of winter. Are you longing for time… space… nourishment Is your being crying out for stillness… to breathe… to relax? Are you intrigued by meditation or searching for an accessible meditation practice you can adopt in life? Are you yearning for the ocean… the mountains… some wildness? This women’s retreat is for you if…
you would like to take some time out for rest and invite stillness, quiet, reflection, nature and creativity into your life
you know you’ll need to come back to the centre, to replenish after the busy outward time of summer
you want to connect and spend time with like-minded women
you’re intrigued by meditation… perhaps you’ve never tried to meditate… or you have but couldn’t quiet your mind… or never felt you were doing it right… or never got into a regular practice… or maybe you have a practice, but are interesting in exploring an additional one
you’re keen to have tools and techniques you can use to regularly bring a sense of retreat into your everyday life
you want to turn inwards, to settle, to embrace your inner bear, and move gracefully into the quieter season of winter
Investment: From £640 — £1,060 per person (early bird) or £768 – £1,272 per person
Updated Governance Framework: Marriage Solemniser/Officiant Registers
OneSpirit acts as an authoritative nominating body for the appointment of legal wedding solemnisers in Scotland and Northern Ireland, ensuring adherence to legislative requirements and internal governance standards. This role involves maintaining a register of authorised ministers, selecting and training nominees, and upholding professional ethics and complaint procedures. In Scotland, OneSpirit collaborates with the National Records of Scotland, while in Northern Ireland, it liaises with the General Register Office for Northern Ireland. Both entities demand that nominated ministers satisfy specific residency, standing, age, and professional conduct criteria. Additionally, OneSpirit supports OneSpirit Ireland (OSI) in its similar responsibilities for the Solemnisers’ register in the Republic of Ireland, under the General Register Office of Ireland’s oversight. OneSpirit Ministers, this information has been added to your ‘Dashboard’ when you log into the website for easy access. For a comprehensive understanding of the framework for solemnising legal weddings, please refer to the complete details in the latest blog post.
Reflecting on the Impact of Violence Based on Religion or Belief
Our latest article provides a reflection on the tragic impact of violence based on religion or belief. It delves into the heart-breaking consequences faced by individuals and communities targeted by such acts of intolerance. By commemorating the victims, we aim to honour their memory and recognise the profound suffering they endured. This piece serves as a powerful reminder of the need for compassion and solidarity in addressing these issues. The article also explores ways in which we can collectively respond to and prevent violence rooted in religious or belief-based hatred. It discusses the importance of fostering a culture of understanding and respect and highlights initiatives and actions that can help build a more inclusive and peaceful society. At OneSpirit, we strive to create a supportive environment that upholds the dignity and rights of all individuals. You can read the full article here. Your engagement is vital for advocating in a world where diversity is celebrated and protected.
Universal Worship Services with Rev Malaika
We are thrilled to share that our esteemed Rev Malaika has provided us with some exciting details about the upcoming Universal Worship Services! These uplifting services are held at no cost, though donations to support the monastery’s charitable initiatives are warmly welcomed. Join us every third Sunday of the month throughout 2024, from 2 pm to 3:30 pm, in a sacred space that embraces everyone, regardless of faith, to celebrate unity and peace.
The next service will take place on 18th August! For further insights and to plan your visit to the Monastery — a haven of tranquillity right in the heart of Manchester — please visit The Monastery’s official website.
Here, you can discover more about this extraordinary venue’s history, its commitment to the community’s well-being, and the array of events that take place within its serene walls. We look forward to sharing this spiritual journey with you at Manchester’s modern-day, multi-faith Monastery, where each occasion is infused with energy and grace. More information: www.themonastery.co.uk.
Exploring Life Beyond the Birch Pathway
Our latest article, “Life Beyond the Birch Pathway,” offers a compelling exploration of the diverse opportunities that await after completing the Birch Pathway training. This piece highlights the various ways in which graduates can apply their newfound skills and knowledge, from hosting creative workshops to engaging in community service. It sheds light on the myriad paths available for those ready to embark on a fulfilling journey in spiritual and community roles. The article also provides inspiring examples of how former students have transformed their lives and the lives of others through their work. It illustrates the profound impact that the Birch Pathway can have on both personal and professional levels. To delve deeper into the possibilities that await you after the Birch Pathway, we invite you to read the full article. This comprehensive overview will give you a greater understanding of how you can make a meaningful difference and fully embrace the opportunities that lie ahead…
Ubuntu Podcast Show, led by Rev Malaika
In Swahili, Ubuntu means: “humanity towards others…”
The Ubuntu Podcast: I will start from your birth, early memories, childhood friends, and frolics, the teenage years, 20s, 30s, 40s and so on up to the present day…
I am a sensitive, fun-loving and kind interviewer, with a gentle questioning approach. Before the show, you can inform me of any areas you don’t want to discuss. With this, I invite you to be a guest on the podcast. If you would like to listen to previous shows, please advise accordingly.
The show is now a podcast, which will launch in May 2024. You will choose at least 4 favourite tracks to be used on the podcast, like Dessert Island Discs, which will last 2 hours.
“I am because we are, we are because I am.”
For more details or guest confirmation, please contact Rev Malaika directly.

Have you seen our recent posts on social media over the past month?

A reminder about our community feature — Minister Spotlights! It’s hard for me to find specific ministers to spotlight each month, due to the size of our minister community. To make things smoother, I’ve created a form you can fill out for your profile. This form includes five essentials and eight optional questions to inspire you while creating your spotlight. Depending on participation, I’ll publish one or two spotlights each month. This is a fantastic chance to broadcast your talent, services, and distinctiveness to our wider community. The spotlight form will be available in every iConnect. There is also now a special page for Minister Spotlights… meaning, if you partake now, you’ll be one of the first to be showcased! Ready to participate? Just fill out the form below.
Our website features spaces for fostering connections and uniting community members. The Community Collection page is specially reserved for users to submit their posts. Every submission, be it a book, resource guide, diary entry, song, podcast, or nuggets of wisdom through Instagram, contributes to the collective wisdom available to all. This collective endeavour is especially significant for the ministers and students in our community. Their shared resources or inspiring elements can serve as guiding stars for those in the early days of their spiritual journey, or those who are just needing some inspiration wherever they are. Each piece of wisdom shared stands as a testament that no one is alone in their spiritual voyage. We invite you to submit contributions through the form below!
Welcome to our Supervisors Form, designed to showcase your unique voice. As a supervisor, your experience is precious and we aim to share it. In the form, share stories, insights, and services. Complete as much as you wish, no field is mandatory, aside from basic information. If something is missing, add it! This form should be used to highlight you uniquely – complete it in a way that showcases you how you wish to be showcased. We’ll create a spotlight on you and your distinct services, akin to a supervisor’s page on our past site. Visitors will click your name, and access a dedicated page to learn about your contributions. What’s more, you will have a dual profile – one as a minister and one providing deeper insights into your role as a supervisor. We want it to be easy for our students and ministers to find you.

Awareness, Religious, and Spiritual Days
*These days come from the Interfaith Network, if a day is missing it is not deliberate! More can be found here.
- 01 Aug World Breastfeeding Week, 1-7 August [WHO]
- 01 Aug – Lughnasadh or Lúnasa, is a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of the harvest season. Historically, it was widely observed throughout Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. Traditionally it is held on 1 August, or about halfway between the summer solstice and autumn equinox.
- 09 Aug International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
- 12 Aug International Youth Day
- 13 Aug* – Tisha B’Av is an annual fast day in Judaism, on which several disasters in Jewish history occurred.
- 15 Aug – The feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is also known as Assumption Day and the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. It marks the day that God assumed the Virgin Mary into heaven following her death, according to popular Christian belief. It is observed annually on or around August 15 by some Christian denominations in the United Kingdom (UK).
- 19 Aug World Humanitarian Day
- 21 Aug International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism
- 22 Aug International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief
- 23 Aug International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition [UNESCO]
- 25 Aug Arbaeen – In Shia Islam, Arba’in marks forty days after Ashura, which is the death anniversary of Husayn ibn Ali, grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and the third Shia imam
- 26 Aug Krishna Janmashtami – Also known simply as Krishnashtami, Janmashtami, or Gokulashtami, is an annual Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Krishna, the eighth avatar of Vishnu. In certain Hindu texts, such as the Gita Govinda, Krishna has been identified as the supreme God and the source of all avatars.
- 29 Aug International Day against Nuclear Tests
- 30 Aug International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances
- 31 Aug International Day for People of African Descent