Engaging with the Ebb and Flow of Spirituality
Dive into the heart of a transformative spiritual journey with OneSpirit’s unique Emerging and Live Curriculum, where the learning environment dynamically evolves with each participant's growth and input. Unlike conventional programs, OneSpirit offers an adaptive curriculum that values the contributions and experiences of every student, fostering a collaborative and rich tapestry of wisdom. Here, education is a living, breathing journey, adapting to meet you wherever you are in your spiritual exploration. This approach creates a safe and sacred space for unhindered expression and profound personal development. If you're searching for a spiritually enriching education that grows with you, embracing the fluidity and vibrance of life itself, the OneSpirit experience awaits.
International Day of Friendship
As the International Day of Friendship approaches, OneSpirit celebrates the power of connections that bridge the divides of race, religion, and nationality. In a world often shadowed by division, this day stands as a beacon of solidarity, understanding, and shared humanity. OneSpirit champions the essence of friendship as a sacred bond, pivotal to its mission of fostering interfaith dialogue and respect for diverse beliefs. This occasion is not only about honouring existing bonds but also about reaching out to create new ones, expanding our understanding and empathy through every new friendship formed. At OneSpirit, we nurture qualities vital for genuine connection—empathy, open-mindedness, and inclusivity—within our courses and community. This Day of Friendship, acknowledge the friends who light your way and open your hearts to forming new bonds, in a collective endeavour to build a world where friendship transcends all barriers, guided by a vision of understanding, respect, and unconditional love.
A Call for Unity and Support
Lavinia, the Community Development Lead at OneSpirit, extends a warm introduction and expresses her admiration for the community’s sense of unity and support. She reflects on the unique, interconnected nature of the interfaith community, emphasising its collective strength. Currently, she highlights a special request from Martin Nathanael, who is seeking assistance and collaboration from fellow ministers and supporters for a project aimed at benefiting the community. Lavinia encourages members to engage with Martin's initiative, underscoring the importance of their interconnectedness and mutual support.
Embracing the Spirit of Summer Solstice
Embrace the radiant energy of the Summer Solstice, a time marked by ancient traditions and spiritual renewal. This significant period invites the OneSpirit community to indulge in deep reflection, nature immersion, and creative expression. It's an opportunity to celebrate the longest day of the year, acknowledging our inner growth and setting intentions for the journey ahead. Through sunrise and sunset meditations, connecting with nature, and fostering communal bonds, we honour this pivotal moment.

Demystifying Interfaith: Moving Forward

Discover the broad essence of interfaith with OneSpirit: A welcoming dialogue beyond religions, embracing all spiritualities and secular ideologies. Join us on a journey of respect and understanding for every path.

Redefining Interfaith: Holistically and Inclusively

We redefine interfaith to be more inclusive, embracing diverse spiritual experiences beyond traditional religions. We honour individual spirituality, aiming for a compassionate community that celebrates spiritual diversity.

Introducing Annie: the Birch Pathway Tutor

Meet Annie, an integral part of the OneSpirit team, advocating an inter-spiritual journey enriched by her profound respect for all faiths, love for nature, and dedication to community through her role as ‘garden chaplain’.

Earth Day 2024

Celebrating Earth Day: OneSpirit explores environmental stewardship within spiritual practices. Encourages members to engage in earth-centric activities, fostering unity and sustainability, doing our part one step at a time.

OneSpirit on InterFaith Network Closure

The Inter Faith Network (IFN) in the UK, established in 1987 for interfaith understanding and cooperation, is closing due to financial challenges, despite support. OneSpirit reflects on the impact and calls for action to
continue IFN’s legacy.

Resourcing from Myth…

OneSpirit Minister & Tutor Tim Ralphs presents an exploration of the power of myths and storytelling. It shares a poignant story of a man connecting his grief to a mythic tale. The post discusses the timeless impact of myths, their potential therapeutic value, and self-exploration.

An Invitation: Anti-Racism Reading Group

The OneSpirit Anti-Racism Reading Group invites individuals to explore race issues in their preferred way and share insights. Participants can potentially study, for example, ‘The Colour Purple’, do embodied exercises on racial trauma, or explore Hughes and Lourdes’s works.

Anti Racism Reading Group Notes

The Anti-Racism Reading Group focuses on identifying and undoing personal racism patterns via self-reflection, acknowledging these as barriers to spiritual connections. It’s part of a deeper spiritual journey toward unity with oneself, others, and the divine.

Along the way, with the Coat of Hopes

The “Coat of Hopes” is undertaking a journey to foster conversations about climate change and ecological crises. It traces a path of non-oppositional activism, inviting participation and sharing of individual griefs, hopes, prayers, and memories for the homeland.

OneSpirit’s Community Development Lead

OneSpirit seeks a Community Development Lead passionate about weaving together its diverse community. The role focuses on building connections, fostering innovation, and driving exciting projects within the expansive
OneSpirit community.

Interfaith Dialogue and Cultivating Peace

OneSpirit fosters interfaith dialogue,
where individuals from varied faith paths
engage in rich discussions to exchange
wisdom. The aim is to deepen understanding, cultivate peace, and promote
spiritual growth.

Mindfulness: A Pathway to Inner Peace

Mindfulness is spotlighted by OneSpirit as a doorway to inner peace and heightened spirituality. Emphasising its roots in Eastern traditions, it serves as a remedy to modern life’s chaos, supporting anyone’s spiritual
exploration towards serenity.

This is how it starts, This is how it ends

A reflective account touches on a childhood in 1950s Manchester, exploring evolving perceptions of race. Through personal anecdotes, it delves into racial innocence, curiosity, and the cultural fabric of a white-dominated community encountering diversity.

International Day of Education 2024

OneSpirit celebrates International Day of Education by spotlighting their Learning Design Specialist, Maddy. With a diverse background and a passion for interfaith education, she believes in the transformative power of learning and
applies this in her role.

Holocaust Memorial Day 2024

On Jan 27, OneSpirit honours International Holocaust Memorial Day, marking the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. We want to emphasise the power of remembrance for forging a compassionate world while standing united against prejudice and hatred.

Sacred Activism: Living Non-Violence

OneSpirit offers a 5-week online course promoting peaceful power and Sacred Activism. Guided by Sarah MacDonald, participants explore structures of violence, non-violence as sacred activism, inner peace, and environmental consciousness – a transformative journey.

Finding and Maintaining Your Peace

In a world marred by conflict, OneSpirit envisions a united global community upholding peace and understanding. Urging moments of introspection and kindness, they share resources for mental and spiritual solace to nurture inner peace and interconnectedness.

Crafting Connections: The ROSIM Campaign

The ROSIM campaign celebrates being recognised by HMRC as a professional body. Members can now claim subscription fees as tax-deductible, affirming ROSIM’s value and enhancing its standing among professionals. Dive into this post to learn more about ROSIM.